Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's Long Lost Sister (2024)

Hey everyone. I know I haven't posed a chapter in a long time, but I've been busy with the homework rush and I started the un-put-down able Twilight book. It's very good by the way for those who haven't read it. Hope you all like this chapter :)

The fillies backed away in fear of Dusk's new power and strength. The teacher came out and she got detention for her actions, but she didn't care. Her powers allowed her to sneak out of it without being noticed. She flew back to her home where her parents wouldn't care about what had happened.

"Mom, Dad. I got my cutie mark" she exclaimed a big grin on her face.

"That's nice dear" her mother turned the channel on their TV.

"Don't you have homework" her dad said angrily. He was reading the paper in his favorite chair.

"You don't even care" she mumbled as she walked up to her room. Dusk let her saddle bag drop to the floor as she took out her homework. She didn't really want to do it, and she knew her parents wouldn't care if she did it or not. She looked out the window at the sun setting over the horizon. The sky's pinks and blues calmed her while the yellows and oranges made her feisty.

"What I wouldn't do to be a princess" she said out loud. She watched the two princesses lower the sun and raise the moon. Dusk sighed and closed her window; she sat back on her bed and looked up at the ceiling.

"I bet it's great to be royalty. No homework or chores, no one to make you feel sad and alone or to ignore you every day" she thought about how great it would be to become a princess. A knock was on the door causing her to snap out of her day dream and back into reality.

"WHAT IS THIS!" her father slammed a piece of paper on her bed causing her to jump a little.

"It's a piece of paper" she huffed. Her father glared at her and her mother just shrugged when she asked for help.

"IT'S A PIECE OF PAPER" he mocked. "IT'S NOT JUST A PIECE OF PAPER, IT'S A DETENTION NOTICE THAT SLIPPED OUT OF YOU'RE SADDLE BAG" he snapped. Tears formed at the corners of Dusk's eyes, her mother didn't even interfere, instead she smiled as her husband, and her daughter's father was screaming his head off at his daughter, and his wife's daughter.

"You don't seem to care about me or my life and now you just suddenly become interested?" she snapped. He just shook his head and walked out of the room saying nothing. Dusk buried her face in her pillow crying her eyes out until she fell asleep. She woke up at night and looked over at her alarm clock; 1:45 am. It was the next day, Saturday and she didn't want to stick around any longer. She grabbed her saddle bag and filled it with things she would need for her trip. She didn't know where she was going, but she was going somewhere. Dusk quietly tip toed out of the house and ran toward the train station that would take her to Canterlot from there.

"Ticket" the man said. She handed him her ticket and boarded the train. In a few hours the train stopped in Canterlot and Dusk stepped out into the city of cifisticated and high class ponies. She walked the streets until she came to a large mansion like house that belonged to her aunt and uncle.

"Aunt Petunia, Uncle Bluebell" Dusk called out. Petunia was a light blue unicorn with white and blue swirled mane and tail pulled up into an elegit up do. She wore an expensive, one of a kind designer dress and her cutie mark was a dark blue petunia. Bluebell was a dark blue unicorn with slicked back blue and white swirled mane and tail. He also wore expensive, one of a kind designer suit and his cutie mark was a bluebell. They smiled and walked her inside; their butler, Henry, took her saddle bag and placed it in an empty room upstairs. She sat in a blue and white lilac printed chair, tea levitated in front of her. She sniffed it, jasmine tea; her favorite.

"Sorry for not calling earlier, but I just had to leave" she sipped her tea quietly. They just nodded in understandment. A knock on the door broke the silence and Henry opened it to reveal a stunning orange Pegasus with long pink and orange mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a feather with beautiful pinks, gold's, and yellows as if it were a painting. Dusk jumped to her feet and ran to greet the Pegasus.

"Colorblossom. It's been so long" she said.

"I heard you were in the city and decided to come by" she walked in and sat in a pink and blue swirled chair with pearls encrusted on the sides.

"I'm glad you came, I just arrived here though" they both laughed. A memory book floated into the room and was placed on the glass table. Petunia and Bluebell sat on the rose printed couch and waited for the two to stop laughing.

"What's the book for aunt Petunia?" Dusk examined the book, flipping it this way and that.

"It's a memory book. Your family was supposed to tell you this once you were old enough, but I guess they didn't bother" Bluebell explained. She sighed and waited as the book opened to the first page.

"This is a letter, written in a language only royal descendants are able to understand" her aunt handed her the letter and Dusk examined it carefully before reading it to herself.

Nire maitea Dusk gozoa,

Hau idazteko beharrik sentitzen dut, baina ez nuke esango gai hau banekien. Duzu Canterlot errege-familia batean jaio ziren. Emari eta Luna eta zure ahizpak eta ou ziren kontatu behar adina entzuteko you got behin, baina gutun hau irakurtzen ari zaren seguruenik wern't kontatu. Zure aita eta ni izan duzu, Luna eta emaria, baina ez da hain handia. Luna bihurtu zen amesgaizto moon eta izan ilargiak blokeatuta, indar ilun daude oraindik Canterlot unkown hartu ziren gurekin. Indarrean lurpeko harrapatuta dugu eta atera ziren nonbait, baina ez oso urrun segurua izan daiteke non al duzu inoiz lehorreratu bazekien dugu. Zure aita eta nik sentitzen dira, beraz, ez dugu esango dizu lehenago, baina besterik ez ziren gehiegi gazte guztiak ulertzen. Maite dugu asko, eta espero ulertu ahal izango duzu.

Gure maitasuna guztiak,

Mom eta aitak (1)

Tears escaped her eyes as she read and re-read the letter before reading it aloud so that they could understand it.

"What happened to them?" she asked. No one spoke for a long time.

"They became part of the sun and moon" Bluebell looked up at the moon that had just appeared.

"So, you're telling me I have a sister…make that two sisters that I didn't even know about and not only that, I'm a princess!" she yelled to them. They meekly nodded their heads in reply. Dusk turned into a saber-toothed tiger, she needed to get all the anger out of her system. She lunged at someone and started to dig her claws into the poor pony. Once she was done, she turned back and realized what had happened.

"COLORBLOSSOM!" she yelled to her friend whose blood stained the floors. Tears escaped her eyes, but she didn't hold them back this time.

"Why?" she asked. Dusk hung her head and flew out the open window toward the castle. The letter was still with her, but she needed to talk to the only REAL family she had left. She landed at the entrance and started to walk to the door, but was stopped by two guards.

"No entry allowed unless granted by Princess Celesita or Luna" one of them said. She sighed and showed them the official stamp on the letter. They seemed to notice the name of the former rulers and allowed her entrance. Once inside, she walked the long hall until she reached the doors to the throne room. Carefully, she opened the doors and saw the two princesses.

"May I help you?" Celestia asked her. She gulped and bowed before them, then handed her the letter. After reading it over and passing it to Luna they stepped down and shooed everyone out of the room.

"Mother and father have told of you. They said you would come back" Luna said. Her sister nodded and brought her into their bedroom to talk some more. Tears streamed her face some more and she froze where she was.

"Is everything alright?" the white alicorn asked. She shook her head and sat on one of the pillows.

"I almost killed my best friend" she whispered almost so that they couldn't hear her.

"We're really sorry, but we must talk about this letter" the blue alicorn closed the doors and the letter lay open to the three.

"All royal descendants have the royal mark. A golden crown on the bottom of their left hoof" Celestia showed Dusk her mark and Luna followed sync. Dusk sighed and laid her hoof out, nothing was there.

"Sometimes a spell will cover something like this" Luna said. Both princesses used their magic to break the spell. A blue and yellow swirled light glowed around Dusk, then the light disappeared and dust fell all around them sticking to Dusk's hoof. Once it was gone, the royal mark took its place.

"Whoever took you wanted to make sure you never saw the mark" Celestia said.

"A coronation will be held tomorrow for the new princess" Luna and Celestia rose and walked out, leaving Dusk to examine her hoof and then leave the room as well.


"The coronation was the next day and Colorblossom never forgave me. No one ever loved me or cared about me so I never loved any one back. Pain and suffering were the only things that made me happy" Dusk said in a low voice.

"Oh" Fluttershy whispered. A knock on the door made both of them jump a bit, they weren't expecting anyone. The yellow Pegasus flew over to the door and opened it to reveal Applebloom. She was a yellow earth filly with a red mane and tail. She had a giant pink bow in her mane, but no cutie mark.

"Get her away" Dusk commanded and flew to the ceiling. Fluttershy and Applebloom looked at each other in confusion, but shrugged it off.

"What can I do for you applebloom?" the Pegasus asked.

"Applejack needs more apples for apple pies" she said.

"Don't you have lots of apple trees?" she asked.

"We do, but we ran out. We got many orders, more than last time" she said. Fluttershy flew to her cabinet and gave her two big bags of apples. Applebloom thanked her and trotted back to Sweet apple acres.

"What happened?" the Pegasus asked. Dusk flew down and stood in front of the Pegasus making her whimper in fear.

"I was afraid to…do what I did to my friend" she admitted. The Pegasus fed the animals and took care of some chores. Before long it was dark and all the critters were sleeping soundly.

"Get some sleep princess, tomorrow you go to Twilight's" the pony walked up the stairs to her room. Dusk sighed and lies on the floor and soon fell into a deep sleep. Nothing could wake her.

Hope you all like the chapter :) Any one who has ideas please hand them in, I would love to hear them.

(1) My dear sweet Dusk,

I'm sorry for having to write this to you, but I knew I wouldn't be able to tell you this. You were born into the royal family of Canterlot. Celestia and Luna and are your sisters and ou were to be told this once you got old enough to hear it, but if you're reading this letter you probably wern't told. Your father and I had you, Luna and Celestia, but it didn't go so great. Luna became nightmare moon and had to be locked in the moon, you were taken from us by dark forces that are still unkown to Canterlot. We trapped the force underground and you were taken somewhere, but not far for we knew you would be safe where ever you landed. Your father and I are so sorry we didn't tell you earlier, but you were just too young to understand it all. We love you very much and hope you will understand.

All our love,
Mom and Dad

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's Long Lost Sister (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.