The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


MISCIXLAXEOrS For Sale. WAXTED ArTOMOBIXES. Etc. WIclM. Iwuiinw tsrs tor iavlv FOR SAI Barzuo.

eiecant r4n od uiture of rO moow, to li by rpKirdIM one or coTnrannn TOR SALE A good oprifbt practk pUoo, for 9135. Term. -yj. Monday vm at 1116 W. lHtb st.

CniFts asj i Bother good Qpriglit mct. pUno foUown: Wiitfm. body BnWMl, Axmiotteri at 175. Trra. other nig.

Mm new; ritgant a good J. A C. Fwcher upright piano, hi bociay ran idm parlor svjte; alant otw-lalegaot coedltioa, buutiiul iuut cam. 55. ftDfrtid TuijTnan bfd deBpcrt.

Icow eh-j Icnu. iona, blue lillc lour: daicopcrt, laMe. llar-j uss bavitifnf Iar A pond tiprfbt. do bet tba ihingtcn Hiag tailt. chira aod tor iom S1000; pr $042 Teima.

rooti in genuine mahogany- ifd uli ua-a Iriano Drjirtmot, table chain and mefcer. nn M-lnth FTmch Kohler ft Chaae, walnat dining uWc; Sne chain in a Lo Acgelrt Uaika nitt aliA aanla Vaaffvn sat I jw iswbi clothing, tooi. nrearms. saa, artisrc. Main Bra.

71S E. 5th. Bill call WANlTEl--Wa renew furniturt. cur uioc. ea wiU inireat yni, phon before soll- JTiJ ,1, rl Pace WANTED A cond-hand safe Call Mr trohl.

12055. ANTtICwn paldfcr PStM.ln 1 far iditJoaL WiL iWli iat cooaiuoa. wu wiatfiv. riMiifi ri nim ia tn rr. Dlarmrded Clothe.

TO UT WEB IBNTAt INTO1UIATI0M. Bar yourself worry and evrjesat) na is the morning and pa Httlod In your us horn to Bight FPUE. BDNGAttwii, FLATS, APARTVFNTie. Furnished and L'nfumisned. Ia WiUtu.

WaaUakt. Ballywood, Conthwat HARSY CBOSRUAJf. Txa Angelea' I-iHn Rental Offl-w iMmbsr Ixw Ancelea Besltv Beard, 203-4-8 BAAS Bl.rX!., twvrnrh tnd Brmdway. Phone 64874; Ma 2d7t rUoanr WTT.t vBalinitt hirrVim allltV'1.1 1 11. -Li yjsi chang In my will sellllh and Pedro.

KLJ'W A net yini IW lo 4.ALE- SOK aAit fonirry-mn ano Hancrteew. Wo hay "Union aM Wsfftarjiltv for poultry fence lio-Tt. rolla -Xt. loin Lock." I37.V 5.75; 8-ft. Warner Jun or.

5 30: ti: 6-lt IUVAL (sore. 7 25; ri-lt. ti. inch bog ft oca. II wr rod: SO-tach. per rod. Gsryani-ad neiurcd ereel fenco yieot. will nerar rust or bum. 7tc earn, tvroer ai onr- a. npntj tl ItBrttA Si-ki1 attention to of town cor W.

do- Saturday Paint yoor ronf brrre the raina goinw aae an4 annoyance. M1SSI0V SOOr rOATTNO Uooid wftterprocftsg. IT rrnpn lehk IVV per gaM-m in berrelt. Oe tier esllcn tn Bnl cana Uooey beck if not ai raarantwd. rour or aend ordera to the sano- facturera prompt ahipmenta.

WHAWB Koor MTO COMPaiVT, RG9 341 ft. FOR irt Bir Paint, from JPst. Oi ARANTKTD Ta.nta fllWt ron frJ JoS oik drV rhiffonrerr hiahtoyr dfersini t.ble.7 "chair, and rockers: fin. bras. andVerni Martin bds.

boa and coil sprincs. air and floss mattresses: beddinff. linwt drapaa, portieraa. mirrors, reading lainria, VNTT TOP PTtirP PAri MTV3 A BlIG rii AMT WHKN YOC- PI HCHAC A LADTEy ANt FI RS WT5 I FORD I'VLFSS IT HA BEK THoR-NCFD A IWR 4 VCRV OVKBHAtXEO AND ALI PR If FN PA1T. INSTANT AtTi MAN.U1P Gt'ARAiNTEEO.


Horlts, bric-a-brac; aani. I-4 Fiugwaid'a AuUi-uno. Brnnt-on. tary coi-rh, hook raw. rcfriaVTt.r.

Puuol. HeTir- F. MiUer, ScmUef namtii gm range eardn twHs. chirt. jgla- manr oibert prctd at $460.

4W0, $o5 ArTOMOBII.ES, Etc-Mlsclns. Touring C4W for atauav rOB SL1L15 PTtrrr i i $10000 EACH DAT t.vni. HOLD. 1P20 wtnton tva-r car. mod! 2fl.

driven only SV). Tonneau. wipd-ahield. 5 SUvenowg eorda, bumpera. New car guaranteak Original una PRIOB Tt'PPAT.


PRlCAi avATUIUUT, (4100.00. Thi ear ta vrrrh r-pnt erf f.1000. Her is a Mring at 9no. At thi price vou en reeetl and mak nicney. Th orhcr frlioy wiU fa.

thi today, aod you to. OPELV STNOAT. ItAaVT OTHEB CAU. BHTRWOOD-i. fi 11 HASPTrt, yoya, 943 Cnod.

Run 13093. TBS SAlatt- puifT err 1100 on each DAT t.VTLL SOU). 1W0 Wlnton TCa- Wt wtodl St. Driven only Tonnau. wiod-sh'el A SHver-owy, eordv.

bumper. JJvjcm cuarantoa. Original pricw PR TCP Tinny, tfimm PRIr -ion no, rafrr. f4nno.oa PRICE FRIDAY, I42O0. mn whst asy Prlca raduod (lOOOO wch day.

WATCH TTH! AD. WARPF. Prop 93 a Onnd. pbotw lltM. war.

Dralara and tenhod intnd. come eany. xne eoore booob win be aold renarrflet of nrice or alu. Monday a.m.. Aug.

16. lilt. W. 16U at W. KOK liALE Uboganj anl oak.

Wm, and Marv and Queen Annt dining arte, S-p4ce rwrlor eitite. BreaMart aet. oak, mahog-unT, leather, reed rocker od chairs, n-a-hoean. leatber, reed roeVra and chain, mahogany library and gate-lea uHen. agcns, etc.

AH new eeatem furniture. Cit, an ft or crenlncn. 1417 4Sth rvinre and retail bedroom furniture at ble- aw -ip4iAa as as mini rrr irr niatiiugr- anw gvtln-nial hd. with drBer t-tt wire. FRF ID inforrnatin bow i tuin calcimine own b.

BFSTj 50,000 TO BUY DIAMONTW nnvSK PAINTS. 12.2R to $8.05 wMtWtpot No RkJ Ttpg. niatrh. and daTenport table. or rrnt $4 nw.


FfXiT HAfhfc.NS TO Bfi A CU tT ErtO FuSSEivilON. YOC AR1C TAKTVO THT MMf GAM inffKt? no? tfr avi. a t-i A lUlirLlIf Kir EAST TIRMS. SHTUOIlt VSID rOROS. 1310 8.

MAIX. ctttvtMtr nsmor thevsOTeT Ay imp -Open KtMiings aod Suadaj. We trad. A year to pay. Cheer.

1-T. truck thassis 4 SO down 1US0 Cbev. 1-T truck with no. body. $J0 pbvtay Kniabt, 4-ton tnifk.

lfirvl TtirliH.v Knlrtit. rf on ImrV 11S 4i rhevroi-t touring down Chevrolet roadstar down touring down Chevrolet tomin tlSdon ininStit, rharrolaT toxHna tlUtow r'l near chummy loadater mt? mkwcII (jwrine down lfi Mfia touring Oierlan! toiWnj a 7 Ford tenrimr Ford cer. a dailfy III down down down 32S down .1.10 down J.M4 roadster down 191.1 Buirk tnurirur down ITS down ...1250 down V11R Grand Chevrolet lSlTDodto deliynr Wsny Koty-, liny, open CON CANM. Chevrolet Agency. I.



11TB AND PHONE 60648. TWO BEST BUYS FOB TODAY SMdg. ll17 model. Has pantasol top fotd tires and is in A-l couditii.a. If vou i-ant Dodge better look at thi one.

Will i oia by mgnt icr too. 'naint arut A Bswriui mv at PAIL 0. HOFFMAN sisiri onion. 12S0 So. Figiieroa.

read TBirtWrciTopijiVFTob'i5t: CARS. Every on In perfect nlchnlcal ci.n-ditlon and guaranteed to absolutely d-Itcndable: 1019 BtKek Road 1B19 Scrirma-BooUi Road. 11110 Oakland Road. 1010 rord edan. 101S nod- loii JII18 Ol.lsmobil Touring.

101 8 Several clsrsy toniedo bod Fv-rd ipeedatera ArTOMOBIT.ES, wijiw tw. sieeasrers i ih trttiTnVvr3vw "i ypT-ar' vvhoel. motor in wcnt conditon. Ha 1020 JORDAN SPORT. 4-PASi ctTrlni thsn 12- JS" 'hrST 1 I "wnw Bdwy.

neioia SALE Many floe used plaseri una Ae ire oargama wiy. Miaic Company. 77 S- Hi'l rt- fc'OB Sifl. J'T AT STOCK OP sUTiu-T PLXKt TIONS KMKB0. HXco*kD AND SOMK HHOVOf-RAPBS AT BIG DISJOINT.

COVE EARLY BrrHE THE BCSH. SEV7NTH ND MAIN wT Beautiful inshocany Grafonola aod libtarv table iromHned. high-class recoidi. Most be aeen to be ap-nrtcitted. Bargain.

Any time. 311 e. i niiin FOR PALE $200 Tictroia model, mahogany phonograph, theludini Caruao. Cluck and fit.ll. Curd recarda.

cheap (or cah. Phone 7 1 (-ilH feALlt Little used Steinway uUna buy later. Plait, S2'2 ft. Broadway, day or m. tin n.

KOR SAIE Knabe piano. um. fiW, or rent $4 month. All rent can apply on pur--hv later. Piatt.

6i2 8. Broadway, day or Hli ft CU Tf vrn aM ilerirnr Pathg nbonograph, buy diiact The Patbe Ebop, lii5 ftia WALK fl lie kf rip 17 bftliv butlKaTovv ni- ano. Tiel but Httltj; heauty; reditoed $2-0. or rent mo. Piatt, 022 Broadway, day or -v rill ft.

I OB PALE 50, player piano, sft-nn't-. bke new; rich. Arte tone: rot new -paK down naynient belane Piatt, 9. Pr anwav. ffny ee nn FAT CiTtr'hf-ll niiiin.

Ufd. line COO rtitirtn. Tt'i; floe bargnin we are offering thi week for 8840. Eaay terma if diired. ntr- p'-rv'd Miiaic Ccmpanv, 727 8.HUT at.

TO LFT Pi-inos. new Vla era? 'used playern. new upright, baby granda. Tenna aa low at $2 month. All v-nt can apply on buy later.

fvoi- -t n. nyrni ave, FOR iALr tlCW "player" rriano at aarH- ne prfre. 8S-not nodel. liVe new, Ket. make offr, or will trade.

What have voh? Ptptt. JV' P. pr-oad'-av. dav or eve, till fl. FOR 8ALII- Buescfier melody aatrnhone.

art'st'ii cold flnifb. pearl keys, romulete fae and oriainal eouipment V'ke new. Price imme-liafe cath. S3075, week da va. WAYXR pianos mo.

up. Uprijrbt pianoa rented 2 mo. ur. Orand oinnos. tin.

up. AH rent can aip'v on purchaae later. pttt B-od-av. dav nr ee. FOR EXCHANGE Will trade my eletrant lM 88-nnt flayer for vour atlent piauo.

Varly new. 453 3. in Boyie an in, vein, ka r.F PlmBi-iaranhn rooted SI nr mo. up. All rent may bo apprled 00 purchaao pitt, wwiwav.

rnn i.r.-,r Avf kor vnrn "pTano 1(Vi TO lfion, VOiTm, PLATT, 622 S. BB0A1 ten ht FOR 4AMt iinit Va'ayer "fano, rwy mo. pvr (i wewnfiwr OrrPrt eyea. FOR SALFFmenrO-i piano. ud, fl5 and vrre.

r'l rior.Mfl1 0W.h, TO TFT -Piano and bmtcT vnv Miinf nnatain. 027 Broadway. FOR B'Aifc Vlrtra recordi, pi ran atnraffe. v. wn Fn aT fl.nora niaver niano and 50 Tfll tO.

cot 8800 8torage. flow, elrh PAft u'nrijrht niano. alo caWnet Y'ctrol. storage. 010 W.

6tb. TO LFT OoToTpiao. I month orTonvvr. ran r-torage. win mn.

FOR LE-All late hit, reo- p'ett. w. Bowv. rmen eve, Tavlor Penp Co. 012P- HilL Bdwy.

8P0l FOR KALF 8et of notJ tan d'ina. cheap rmont 7228. after PUK MV vw, nail mi wcar'v new. West FOR LF Real flne Stfinwiy piano, low cah nrice. South 171 5-J.

Vee nff-T Piatt. BHwr. Open evea FOR 8AT.E Mv like-new nliourarrai -aph. big a.rrifl,.p. FYnns.

TRa S. OTand eve. FOR RALE- Good welnut UDnaht rMano, irH gia HnlB. SyrrtW5aT in hsnd. orchestra" Invtnttrpntv faiih or terms.

ftrlwy. Ml'SICAL IVSTRUMESTS. yrrtrA. "ANTED WjjipajThlfrnest mot cash nrlr for snort n.ed nlano any any r.ll Mr lO'R o. watntf.d win ray atuu to a'-'iu resit ror vonr piano, arrormn to If you w.nt onlcV ohoof Mr.

Fiedertrlw. "IW7. AVTFn TV veant eaarTfbr your tiabo. non Main y.21. AS PD To buy roo-1 niano Of player pi- snn for rvh.

Phone 64Br9 or mn. oref P.f fa.h B4M2 or W20T sfl 6. WTTtS Tor rash. oiTpiaoo, s-ri-ioi lain on. Trrrisntn 1 -is -Sto ANTFjpAw lenxlou teW Pw oUver Hno Phnf flUtO.

MACHINERY All Kinds. For riailei anrl Eichange. DIE AND PRESS WORK. Dig tools, forming and new dexolopmnt, and advice on now designs frea. Mapoos Mfg.

ltphnaim an. Boil BOitS, SIsT.F. Lot of new' fcachln- nrl Ivnrv R.V ot. I fl'W. OOrcn "at hite vrt-ih.

n1 on t'" roaat to bur Pnt Hn. Pb-e, call or w-tte frrr nrtcea. FRKF; TJFLIVFBY. Bdwv. BITS.

Weatern Wholeaale paint 801 Baa Pedro, cor. 6th. FORTtLF Rvape emn sboMt ar. 4 wri-tiea. HoH-wood feotbilla.

Good crop -Sacrifice for cash. 1 P. B. ror-eley. 57TH48 Hc-livonorjn.

laf afd RM reep inf'itdins excepn-Mv flne combination leather caae. Pffj $110 Ro maple leif ammntit'0D, $350 ifer Toy. rnore Vritt SW- flittin'TS. hot water tanks. an.hir in the Jine of metal, pipe or iron we buy, aell and exchange.

ALiTtRVTA IRON ANI lu. faln2Vl pi 1 C-n "IlH" tfh Am St 1a OIH jiadei. a'l colwn ard alrei: a1 Mirtslr. hMeT. peril price Mr 10 dva.

Western W'V-ale Paat 8th and Sao f'-rvry, prlTV. SITS FOR Old and new trurVs. anit ca e. haca; bought gold, exchted auU cases etypbtle damaced. at cot.

Out of high-rent rli riot. Free 8al vn ge Co 1 43 Xoi-m SnHne. RmriVr Norh Wring. FOR A LE--'i'VPfl! tnnla plumbing np- nlie. garden tonla, hoae.

apnoklere, exc. Pfrt Fir-t et. "oiTaTfs iilre telescooa camp cota. B20 r. "FOft'TATfbeaP.

aeverar aoofl-nand wda fountain! and etaow caaea. 804 8, Lob Angel ea at. vhtt e.Vm.'staVlt windmills. tr.h. nurop.

new ay. Unks. tiuranteed more' Pemmitt, 120K. Mam FOB SALff fOO-roTiioi fiSniT. cnesn, or Boom 61 Dlt 4J6 g.

ftirina, "FOH "ALF-ftesoriWriyorr reed nan" bn, cotxl ss nan. 811 W. lltlt it. Te'e-plione West 3SflO. FOn M.K Automatic artntmn.

12-ttanre, and sntomatle revolvir, Torae nrl Bin- offer. 1127 n. jotij st. Phon Ffi'tf bat To movrd. mode buiMinii, plate-Rlass front, ulanterrl, onlv 3 yr-sr o'o.

l. aiataiano svj rnn Ri.vrnood"bnti.lieT box 78. 111 K. ilth fan Pedro, fal. f'r-vcle also sal- yroi.a.1 sn.

4in av. and-frveri 817 mt CalfAn XW rUniOQl. FdR SALE-Seteral aetoud-hind-fea. "84S otn "Witt ALE New alec-fete waafilng ma- cb'rte. $75.

Coat $1 SB. W.Lns Angelae rOftvWlK-saiei', new mm trade. 8heale afe Co 8.JHiU. "FrtRT Aflliyav'ton' eomputmc scales, 60c rna rt ru K'errif', biby Daaiiet7T027 Clra st. FOR SAI-te Awnings niaie to orn.r.

Mac-PonaM. Avn ng Factory. Phone on741B. "FfTTt HI Bottfik. all sner" chssp.

IT 1103 E. HtB. Bawy. OKia Office and Star Equipment Gernernl. F0 SALECIGAR STORE PUTlKES.

Comflt lUtnre for retil ctgar etor at a aacriace. For detail! call or phone Coo. Cipr Ph. Main 4671. 60539.

394 I. loa Angela it. FOR' PALE Burrougn adlnir' mr fri with atand, tary cheap, 333 We-ley Bob- FOR 1- tomatle feel, hand tum. encriient eonotrion. mt nsBt ri.

S)l Fhot Garv. 04. Size, srvies. ami 1.0a tblCTWeZ HOLD AND EXCHANGED. 6371.

Han son A- ran Ppnrur 7tk SAT.fe--Ilaratiina In used ofiT I nuur. o. iesa o. am ss iwm I i-W'a'n 'to buy office Rij-iwt lr.M caah pricea offered.

SpelJmaa rn. 73ft Snrliia. Pbone Bdwy. 7T8.T FOR KALE No. 8-F rotarv neostyle.

ued 14 only. Bareain. Phone Main lf.23. RAtI-1rDroof'ce attfe. good aa new.

402 B. hot Angel Typewriter nr1 Suppl lea General. FOR AT.F TYPEWRTTPRS RENTED NONVISiBLB MODKLR, 9 Month. Vipl'ie oiodels. 3 month, S7.50 and up.

Firft rental applies nn purchase. Prirea from $15 to nw NFW machine, the CKNTDRY. AMKRICAV WRIT1N-. MACB1NB TNI tn' k.T- TYPKVR1TER INSPECTION INC largest, most completely-equipped concern or uu a. S' 2i lo" l- choos from, and many Tord tourings and A good rot.

I JlJMtjl 01 on all of HERBE good grq HmBrnr and IlOlitiE'ftOADSTKR. rl.nd. litt.l. Su.k oenny paint mM tire and rlma. new top, alamlt rr.a r.

ioq rtov.n, asy monthly paymcota. jin smam goso nubi tisiu montnit- navmsnt. Wrm. e-w unaermaraew ai BBANDNEW. nvtp WHBBM; MAST EXTrUS: PRICE CHEAP, oar Dry cotrsr oarage.

TOIft Hollywood Wwl. Bony VK STTJTt tACRIFICT lBlO 4-PAW. Westlnrhonvo "hock arorh-r. Perfect mecha-lcal rondltton. N'c o1nt and top.

Mtrst sell st one. Pbon prirat owner, 74774. "WfTt wait sfx mon'hTTor-: your er "affer placing your order when you en g-t on new ar, great aytng in pneer nav. Peerless rto-ar nlul eight, p-actieally new. that must be aold.

Car can be aeen try ap. nnintmant only. Address B. box 424, Tiro Branch OIRc. FtVR

T0ITtlf) CR Jvscr oftr OP fflOP. TR.DE TOR EUllTT IN nm'S8 AND tOT OR LOT. OR OOOD JtOTOR TRITK OR ROtDSTtaL HEIST. 1.15 PICO modal auric) lix Hudson touring. neve cord tire with extra.

1120 paint us, '-om dltion. New b-tterr. tc Muat ho sold im- mdlatly. 29M La Ball or 1223 nnero. FOR SOX Coll 101T-1S louHnrt car In Nn mechanic! condition, hist overhauled.

Five splendid tires, t-o lwhind are brand new orersisa Kellv-Snrlnefleld cord. Will sell for OUori Phone 1.4?- OAKLaW) otlN(. CAltl In lurwiifiit condition. Pracrlcally n- tiro, ram "1 ten. A-l mcranieaUy.

ta.n or verm. rt r-ci tar i-opr, vtrntx. -a Tiw. .1 1 1ft H. voWT.

luV 101A RollT ICm Iclaaa mechnlcl condition. Original r'nt, f) ttwiw. Phone Apartment 211, 55l)B Brother TourTrtf ear I-atert type, practically new, Albert. Motor Company, rodre Brother Motor Car. Sixteenth and Flffiewa.

BrJDM)f lOtfl UODZL. WEST Sm 1015 ORAMTRCY PLACE. OATTlAVD to-irin. Delco alanine ami tiehllre biftr. mechanical condition tbronphnut.

flood nib- nr; tot omtu aaie focMJ. can arrange terroa Phon 5n71i84. FC-RD tourinf car that are right, Over- hauled and riaranteed. Wffwn autw saIaKS, ifl8 ft Main at irJuayrLJ! lK? i-irtp-VTiC 10TffHEVRnLET tourfiii: Iml over hauled: new paint, pantasot top, good rubber $700: terras. Stertheni.

10 Ollv. i.AE loHTfVrd traHSTarsd Both perfect mechanically and look lik new. g.ino sn-i wo; casa or tann. w. Jefferson.

West 71 AST modal: slso Tnasa tour Inc. excellent condition, bargain. Stored g-ran. 210! VT. 7th.

6435. Call Eomatt r. Oshoni. lOltf nririri'. l-llr In "indltlnn enth nil rf tn as nd at Iarae tourln cord tinea, per- car tor ham .1 IWIW f., -I ai I asfl" iuin c1! tcv at 84th a'nd Figusroa. Tit Repair srork. Vsrrntvnt 5070. ffiSTTimrVii Sulci" Ma h.r best of car. and I In one condition.

Et. Irt. Aui ttatvrsg city. Mr. TlwnpB.

122 west otitn et 1 E. rrl or nlion 22.W. 191T "UuebaW 4 tAt Is sosrsnteed in every ay. haft, ma, tie to maaier bnlte. ftec yia i PuiiT pony ani a- mm iinpinltafaaringr rati All A Uai.

"Pl'fCk'tfihrafi Tour "with" tr.n.Srri BAMto nare you any mre'i suits, or no longer to youf Into money. We ca'l and nay yon wht Uwy nrn WAXTKOPo buy lades' anf uaed dothea and ahneti Uttta Eugiemau. 6u7 w. taay at. pnone nays.

DtaimafidB aod Jewelry. i Watcbei, Jewelry. Pilverwera and Kiatinum nougnt. PAWN TICKETS BOUGHT-Bell direct to grourrd-floor jeweler. O.

A. Cophn. 428-A S. SPUING Between 4th acd ta WANTK15 DUMONT rJUMoNbyc: 1 hat. nriratH eustoirers for diamonis of all sue, enabling me to pay you 5u uri cent moro than a or broVer.

Expert appraiainir FREE, fee me. vlooe) youTMlf- Strictly rontldotul. M. WK1NSTEIN. 407 Title Guarantee Con Finn ana itroaotviy WANTr.u Uiam'-nu-.

Dumoiiils. iw1rv. neurit old aold. table ailver. etf.

We pay the ton price, cah Courtesy, fair ttea.p-ent an.f ronftdem-t are! our business policiea. Jteterencea. leading jew-i elara and hanks. 1 MARKWELL COMPANY Phon. 15T92.

Fifth and Spring streets. ir "w- i.nM. WANTED Dismond and Jewelry. Cennot get enough; must buy from tiEAt.FRS ANO KKOKI'HH mU. ME lOl RS iST HV.H 1ST PH1CH6.

I CAN AFFORD TO PAY 101! MODE. Pilvata rooma. 14 vesra tn same bldg. E. KVHT.U rttxi-T mirnson 9rd Spring, wa'-io- DIAMOND! AND DIAMOND JFrVEIJiY.

iet Fergtuwoa' adv b-for d'apowug of your dUroonds. It wiil mean money to you. Ueferetice leading jeweler and bankera. I. C.

FF.Rfll.'KKON, 20Bsai VA.STVt liamomJa, gcuis, guld, silier, antiques, for eah. rrtot'CB 75S S. Hill st. FjtsMiahed WANTED Diamonds. Watchea, Jeivilir.

Highett prices paid. Now is th time to sell. Confidential and courteou treatment. MlllnknrT. 7T-' 8.

Srjring IlOTTg! WANfflO Caii for dluwnds, gold, silver. (raw aotionaai. entlv enstCH bought. Vlrmriu ntndioa. sni 8.

Hill, l.v-lu. VANTKD PUmonds, icn 3eiiendnbTe yiihie i cxiected. see Rack ft Son. Title Guarantee. Positively bighpit prirtts.

pnvacy nd courtesy his tilwavs betn our mono. iw.i.'v nM oilier, antiotte. WAMtu aliamooci in any uuaniisv. ai: falae teeth of anv kind; before you ANfVD Will buiTiamoLrUi, pay tight. 0011 Titl Gwir.

Rth-Mdv. SWAPS All Sort; Tin volt wlvh carpenter work donet 1 will do your Job in jxchsngi tor an) thing you hay, carpenttr. S044 Vet- nn aa aknna Kottth WHKW OftWHANOB ftrd with starter and roany accoriea for cler lot. 1014 tourlnii nd still going itroii-. C.

M. Booth. U.l 4 l.l."aWSra' with selfitarters and lctrie lights for furniture, or hat havequ? 1114 8.ain. lunillure. or v.nai uave joui iuv Laguua Arol, Bach.

wint oouity in bouso and lot in FOR EXCHA-NGE Iniprovea iois or Un-iltnH 'trunk tor cash, or Will trail for DiKlge touring. W'ilsh JKP cam, for furniture, oriental rug. o.oio. bSC "Kuw talkfng niachin and records, tor piano. Telciihone a tom i hf: aJ-' tcZX ACTOMOBljEU ATTENTION BARGAIN REEKEBS and DEALERS.

TO MAKE ROO MFCiR NEW CAR! ARRIV. WILL Bk COLD AT A BIO DACBIt'lCB. HrKlMW tollrlnf, 1050. mod 't, -v Hudson speedster. IMS, mode) Hudson touring.

1017. model Fmcl touring, 1020, wlr viheeJs. OKI touring, 1017, cord Ursa. King touring. 1018, special equtpuunt Oakland "Ii" touring, 191 tt.

Oievland touring, 1018. Studebaker 4yl. tourinf, 1015. MEAN Bt-MNESS. IT WILT.

PAY YOU TO COME. Locust Long Beach. car harxiur.s at" pTlces that should move them peiore sat. nignr. uoage.

Chevrolet, Font. Msxttell, Scrii ya-Booth and ay.nUltn node tounuB. 111h. aood me chanical con-lition and nibbr. nr.

19 lamming uuu -111 inn i mi ttus. jGin Motor laa ripteroa t- raooi i M. -j" for cash my 4- fk. JSSTSS ua sices, core i tire. usa mile Bidw.ll.

B77004. Ford tonrng Fcra roasrer. I Ford gusrantred three months. PAntcic Al.t:s r.x. lt'2 iTtlr Al.

f. SBeit and" chcapn California, any sir. Either fcottt complato t-r tlgures on msti1ls orily. 478 and uu. BP aamptes, woooneau L-imoer ornpsny, 5S0O Msin and also on Fioranc Phone tontn oo.

For i is RcEoped tuTttJS 1017 coupe, starter, dera. rinw. 102O couo, guaranteed, good titea. IWU aedan CLARK COBFRLT. Autborlaed Dealers, rbttM mtii rrrrmr coup anfl aeosn.

sfsrrcra, nem. rims. 'Hauler ahocka, ai-ecdoirieter. lock, evtra ri touring, itarter. apefdm'ter.

teat covet, lock, good rubber, one-'oan fort. UlAUANTK.f ll CAII OK TERMS. FAHV ATrERIH'RY CO "CATLI.N BLICKr' A cstlln guiranteed iulc I. th V-st used Rule you rag buy. 1534 south Flower.

atun. tVR h'f'W OR L'nED ArTOJlORTUja. CAnH. TERM OR TRADE. 8EB itym L.n?i, o-ot VM1ICT rr rl SNnrry ioTyiol my lty 6f tirninT c.t, "7'' tor a ninnllia; will 'cei-t beat rffer recemd tlita myroit, mooei, ruwr bou rlianlcnl condition all O.K.

Ford touring, i iom On. condition and a lot of .1., 7. thrown 10. win ao eitm; wmweii oiur- vtier. lik new.

SlrOO. enough said: ScriDO. Bootn roansier. rormcr oner nceaca touring icr. in aood condition and 1200 uodr the piarkflt: nanklra touring, not lat.

model new robbed fo you can't find 1ST Te RV? "no our itlcff OTlrl PROnrcTS CO 1 iv ettoi fiTl. tfrfh 1i1 fTLIiKiMhCR aneciai touting car Thi the airfk-lal car put out in 'Id. I bare ro-t h-d It m.arDted ao-1 thoroughly orrrbanM. New t30 atorage free, front and rear biimifara. wind on-, spot and many "ther extra.

In ah-l folutcly Plni of condition and running like I LET at FxeLusrvF prince KPfW APARTMENT, ti.Nnvr. AL0 COIBLES. BEAfTT-TfXT PFCORATrn, TlrelXt FtKNISBKn. PERMANENT JICI. NEW BrilDlNG.

STEEL COSSTEITT-v-5w, TELY AFE INGRAHaM. COR- Io-qt wmre ATAxnicvTi. C.V UNCLE iXD 0X1 DOLFJIX. vS WTTMER Wglkinj wtt. 3K LET Mnaretnnt know every Lot vcaney.

Why worry I Serr'C fr. receive pecil attention. Apartrowtt Accommodation Bureau, SX1 Gross 6th tad ft rust. IjMrttt APAltTalfcNTR. eS California it.

Rdw. 12fi: 1MT4. Clow In, two block from Bieadvay. Modem furnished, double pt. Ail con-etraience.

Privt bath, elevator, wctncity. Phon. Rent H8 and up mourn, angel Height or. TO 1X1 ETHEL! O.N APT8. Atiki JlMa anaaS by w.

or month. Janitor arvlp. Direct W. Adult, sis) w. urn It Wilihlr 4501.


1214 Jake it. deirbl ingl and doubla billiard-room. ballroom, lun parlor. Solas trdly located. TO LET Minnewaska 201 S.

Grand Nicely furnihed. singl and double vitn or without bath, raatontble -ates. blocks from butinc canter. Phone 1100:1. TO LiT GenTleman' wsnrd to sharp mv Foilywood home-, from Aug.

18 till October Write B. Dura 1933 VUta Del Max. bc-IIt ood TO-LET Double apartment, two two tooras. kitchen, private bath, adnlta only, $37.50 month. Phono 2B001.

1S0S SUt at. Central Apti 9. Bonolg Brat, 1 block oaat of Weatlaka Park. 8mrr H5. Double 7i.

tO LT WKSTBR00K Al'TS. 810 S. ALVARAUO. Very attractlro modern apartmenta. High and eightlr.

gtclmirp loratV-n TO LET Artsto Wilahira dUtrlci. Irailable. 1 double and 1 single electric ranges, braalrfasMooma. aof water and aleva-tor eerrice. tH2 S.

Bampart. Phon" TO LEt Light, airy, pleaaant. fnrnisKeclT double apt, wiltable for two to four people. Noyee H5 W. Adama, 75 per monrn.

TO LET One Blnslo and one douhla apart- Kent, very deairahle, closa in. Light aud airy. Mirj-land 1312 Maryland, near BIt-I TO LET Furnished double apartment, modem conveniences. 10 xninutea from busi-aea center, Wright 13li2 Wriglit at. TO LET Young woman, alone, yieli one or two ladiei, shara attraeUrt flat.

Addreaa box 401j Timea Branch. TTXET Ter-nc AptaT! 124T W. 1th Very rable front doubla partment modern, talking distance, pfcjna SSHua. WWY rooma. Ona block from W.

Lake Park. 738 ft wenke. fOKET A large light airy, ront double apartment, private ph'ne. clow In. Crippen Apts.JOl'S 63HS3.

to i.RT-UL'aht. airy auartmentw. sub- atimtial trsmc building near Wetlake Park. The Reverlv." T4 K. Bonnie Hae etreet.

"ttTTf.t i AROOV BACRFT.OR APT TARED FOB. WEtSTLAKE DISTRICT. HIGH TO LET Ona single n3 one doubla, sunny, nwdern apartment, llllngton tet 1 7th. TO LEidarge, airy, bright eiartmenta. sttractivr-lv furnished, near Waatlaka Park.

Duane Wl VY. Btb t. tiTTTf-TKRlirfs. 848 s. Kigueroa: one front double: also single room, waismg TO LKT Very nttrac'tlte double aptrt- ment.

The Ingleiide, 101. Gr-ind View St. TO LKT Attra'-tlva light airy, double gpt. DaveTipoit 7'J1 Westlske. near 7th.

TO room. 321 Temple it "tp LET Single front apt, Empreg ApU. vmi snatio at TO LT-5 loonia and bath. S329 S. Usin atreet.

TO LET Furnished apartment, walking dl tance. Child-en welcome. 12-0 S. Ollr TO LET rdnet" Square 1249 8. Brand.

Doubl apt. 1U201. f6 LET" -Exclusive Crawford hew. Jl decorated, walking distance. 941 Georgia.

6 i.ET-ree "renfaV ironiiarloc. furnislu-J ao. gndL Oati. 42M Grosse Bldg. iTTEf-AlevVei Xffifrada Pro-t dimblf.

Corntr WtJaV parV.V.7iiH t6tETMODERN, "SINGLE. FBflNT APARTMENT. 140 NORTH FI.OWEB. TO LET Front dGublo aia-rnieat, garage, fci5 and $IW. 11SW.

Adama. TO lET ijordon blocks Brosd-fiay. modem, reasonable price. 618 W. 4th.

TO LET Suigle and oouoie apart cnents. cloe-ln. flo. Grand ave. oHCctoomis and doubfc apartmenta, alao one double muurDuheO, Wiilking UUtaoca,

fOXETCnfun-iiihed apt, Arroyo wreat Apartmenta, 8 Mini with wall bed and dreaains clotet; east frnt: for mat. and 618 W. Ave. W. Tel, 30050.

TO LET HOlESr tSTIx'T Trinity Court, lott'oeaut'rful furn'liel 5 rom bungalow in the city; ery-thing entirely new and of the flneet Over-attiffwl davenport ami chain to match, to! id mahogany library table and dminj-room aet; ail ir nrapenes, ven- one tirratitan wajnur bedroom aet, new Reliable whit enamel stdei oven gas range, hardwood floor, automatic! vaur Renter and gas heater, white enameled kitchen and buth. Adult only. Best of ref-j erencet, one year leaa. flrat and laat month't rent in ad vine, Opfn. for inspection sn- day.

Owner at 8fl2 Fedora et. FJi. 74.M:i. T6 Lft M7oPRFTTyBUSTeA10W Completely fnmiahM 7-room eratamn bungalow, blockp from Wihh-re Blvd. and Ardmor.

flne bedroomi. Urge t'le bath, basem*nt furnace, 3 flr beatera. phone in. Billiard table. Pretty atreet, attrartv ground.

14 1-lock from car line. CH MH'. ANDEltSOV. Wilihire 2HH4. cr BELLA GRANT.

Wilibir Biid. at Weatern. 60302 or "TO LET b-Toom iurniohed bungnlow, eouivilent to rooms, with diiuppearing doubla bed and dresung-room. 2 bod mom living and diDfn.Mm and kUcten. Linen, ilver, chin.

Everything rendy for imme diate occupancy. No garage, Nice' yard wii summer houa. $S5 mtmth. Open 8 to 3018 Ualton ave. Univerwiy or Dalton ve.

rara. TO Furnished for one year, attrac -Furnisheo tive Bwiea chalet, tluee bedroonia sod bath. imag-room. dining-room, prea Kiaai-room, sun-room and Mehen. Good fnrna, single gp-ragt Fine yard with full-bearing fruit trees.

Will leaee for one war to rt-ponaihle party. No children. For further inforraatioo call Or. N- Ooodman, 1 To LET Two new" bungalows (n a 1 room. ldv' deeming-room, bathroom, hardwood floors throughout.

Built to please particular people. Furn'nhed d'n to mln-0, Adult, toft and $5. Call 1407-A Maple WTTElf My to reiponnlh people: blocks w-st of Exposition Park. No rhildren. 8outh-weat corner of Browning Bird, and Ralldalt.

paltop ve. car. 14.S8 Browning Blvd, fOTEf iArry b. GOOPMAN" 1UNTAL Wl BENT, IELL. ink for MB.

FLICK lM-ERa lOfifl Int. Bldfc TO" LKT T-room moleru Tmua, n'celv "Fur-wished, located In the aouthveMt at 1818 W. 24th at. Bent $135 per month. Open Hat morning or key at 1814.

a it door. Phou 35501 a a room prl hall. 2 bedroom, of my elegant nace, flowers, Rmragw etc. Adult. 3 or 4 "4 Wt 'H at, OTf-WirW for one year, beautiful fte-rooin and bath, bungaluw, chaiet, nirely Haa 12 windows in sleeoina-room.

Till eament haarment with furnace. Prii TO LCT Modera completely fumlstievt S- rnom rjuneilDw. uirrh, lot Iftaatiott. tut rjelahtxirbood dnu In Adult. allJl

at Sl.lal,t. i t6 K'r--runiislie Oat. 'riwme, bslh. vjewty ftnishefl, ocean view, at R- rlnnrlfi Re'rh. BIO Ksulanarle.

-nfv T9 Mlrl. ri 'Lib Khr'V i-TFfmr Hden tn! bath, lurnlsnevj mrapleU for 1 I aihtlia; el'-s la; to nilnutea to BroaUvaJ. Open 10 toli 1817 Hellevue av. 8TJfT--l)-roow nuin. ilsbirvTaiifiiK: Haridaumely funnsherl, 4 baxlrocini, slaeiiina 1 hatha rf-if a.

aisntpwr, niTq, n. imii, bau, Tor mcnths. In. Brnt reasonatil. EIUWIT.

paotu. nnferrrtl laqtitnu. Addiw J0, Tinea T'b 14 rwirua. al'isjiny iumulml" IMeatal ruts, fraud pi. no, yry artistic thruua-hout, far-tie and pboiw, Ibt TO LET alon will pleaaani! tiirtUUM rtunssiow wiui roupia Tard, port ana ain, rtt, ssani ruinut fn Hol'nod car, wll.

wisgt TO LKT lliyBui iriVr new room c0: oBil bungalow. Artlstlcslly lurnivhpd throughout, g.sut'fu lawa. and bearing fruit V-a. aaa t-0 1 T'! Xl B1l 1 id 'tttT" iiiie and 1 iiTih, i no, hcxeany luraiture Adult. Uji Kouiu ft lYlSiriiiihg lioiue.

mi iiieiTsT- ararace, rn -mo leiei-onrtf. WMt sHTduf, TO LF W-fwra huu $ldO anoath. Oarg. 1oeaied at l4t W. 3h Tel.

Weat flHSi. TO" 'WrWy "Modern bungalow i ai Irec.v cwurt. partly funiiabed, aff aWapto aktka. IMD VeaA Jcffw I 1 I SOTICTt HOTIrt ar fotnf to aell tbe oaed auj juack cash, tenu to ut. or trad.

ChandTar Uazwait 1I! MA MeKervay Motor gale O. en tv rioyrar ac 40781. Wte wtMls, Itrfact aUct.Bicl oosditioaV Kiitnir-f Car BaT aey-i at 1014 8L Main st, or oVeav ontrtKi bj apptintnawit. Csil ur whJr. n-iwv a n-rvatcir onea car.


nriN scpfiR Six 11400 Taken tn on new Chandlw. and I -to A-1 condition throt'ehont. New all-wet-rter tread tir, original merHaoically right Must ho seen to be spprcaateI. A bargain, w. p.

BrytftrnT rA rw-. aoat t. n.nn:er ano l.leiano inn yro WILL SACRIpiril a svj r.n MY 101 S-PAaKFTNCEst BdrK. BCN CtVT.Y A SHORT lTNrF. VCTTTta RCPFTl.

THI NK, TBCSK RACK rTXTBA TIRF! AM rurtir TIRA7. AIJ, AROrNTV. CAR CAN HK RFFN AT 12S0 n. FIOCEROA sjoHviNa 1t, private party for 11 101. thiick touring car.

with practically new cord tires, bumper, pantAsote piste gas top, xtra tir and in AI 1iap throughout. Must sell by Saturday. Can arrange ror iwrr- can au.eos or see it at lwso n. Tjttle r.x bhck TotniNO-1 New tj. tire, arwoiat ptatt glaa.

top and origiraj Hnlh thvotighcut and look. I lis now: many extra. Mechanic lij ncht." Must bs sold at mcrit.r. HERBERT CO fd Car re-5t V4ll Iivt, lliQ a FlovrT. rTftTTSIC i Almost new.

cord tin. onffinal nstnt. win iiutt mile, pom Victor (Irmruag H.nise. 1224 W. 7th tt.

Pico IBIS CADILtatC rajri-s, trrod-1 87. New paint, nickel and top, mechanically perf-ct. look like ww. Original owner at Wood'l Auto Works. 1137 A Oh Phon 131M.

CADILLAC MODEL S3. EXCELLENT CON DITION. WEKTS57S. 1015 GRAMEBCT YL I02O CHEVROLET tonrtn. In A-t -evtdlrtnat Paint lltt new.

Orignal tir, on nctty. Pbon 10347 or Watt 516i, lftlO FORD, Mocked for Urtor, Tourinf. fjetnaoa tM I k.a. foot throttl, Uconse, raotor altSO.OOO.' Term liberal. rtlO it.

Woww EARL fyRortriT tttui. Willard battery. brake, cutout, ard sr-dorn-tcr oulck ail. 014 Burton its, wollwbrook, t'al FORD tcurlnr. 11120.

llko new: stirrer: run three thm-and rrtile-: ttnrndil dV-lrstT- HEIVIE AITO SALES, 101S Ma.m -t. 10i OATrT iD Illr. n.w'"' orfiyT Inal flnlsit with rttntsis ton and nlata New tire: In AI condition, JlOSfi, jt. v. ct-ooens.

lu.tii Dilve, on- lOiv Ht'DSONf auner sly tourtn with cord tlrs: ui'holstering and ton look lilt now; good shape mechanically. $1478. s. ricpnenv, itvw tint-, rwi. tounn "onhr gf trm.

Prtra good tires. You should let th car baton buying. 13V! Fiuth Ataia F. Moortr. FOR WLE Nasa tourinj; ear, A I corit-tlon.

Thi car guarantd. New tire, and special top. fash or terms Telephone Oln-dt lerrit orrr N. Rrsnd Blvd. Job.

in nic condition. Jt teal tajua at lOrvfl: torn, -V IV Ht.nliens. tOBO Oliye. vrO -a S'WrttrTo e. g.iN.

cs-h. rjatsrtc t-n monthly pay-menla, New tires, wtra tier, r-imner. Mr. 110 phon 1017 FORD tonriag car. Mo-or Irtvi thoroviatity oyrhsuled.

Tirp and npholsteifnf very eood. Eoninned w4h HaAtlor shock aK. orher 4t.V S.mrh 230-1. 1020 PAIHE, sport praoticaMy new Diao wheel. new cord tire: perfect la very way.

Will sacrifice- caah or co*k fioirv, inoft a OUT. Pico SACRIFICE reafiryr. town and muat tH Immediately. Cadillac. 1013 model.

A-t lo every respect. Call 13 Fair Oak and jook it over. 105f Sssse.g'-T CtdOtac. rf number OoS, phveou. brand newt can Nuigbt for Car stored 10JO Flower, Ask far Mr.

Ctlmore, Phone 140JIS. i lust orcrhai.lcd. Plat glial top vw Urea Most lell. May artfngr On opr. 01 Vprvoon.

of C.U nitTtft: si tn mecnamnei eomtjtion. W't I1 for best otv-r for ouick sale, call 19 Horlion ave, Phon 61273, Venice. Cal. Al mnH7i3 order, food nibber. can he seen al, day at 14SJ Wring Phon 1H270 or rrrftrO.

S4M. all or part cash filRIt demountable nni-. thft luck. Ferd Ihiann-tsd 8 mow Moran McMenamy. 1424 Main if, Chevrolet in wonderful condition.

Ik new: good rubber, 9: Olite FOR HALPLrite mcSeP Dodge trnrt-rnf cr, pcisl top with n'r rlssa, fine tl-ea. mechenically perfect. Mut sell tmrnedlattly. Call owner, agPU. "iflis (iTEsWiwn'rtTHr cspK S.

terma. A-t mechsnic.l coo-htlcn- good A real bargain. Call Holly 014 or fT l0i bate m-l 5J Kvi1 V. f'' 'i, Jiii. uearenc.

Worth easu or term. Bl'ICK litt' aix. special top, eat coypn. two extra tire: a rest artap; easy tnus, Car stored 2liM West. 7th.

t. W1 li nSesaorTes. carefuily driyrn. mechanically perfect. Owntr 1t.

in. 'SrSl-4ppyRnN pireTCiril rsondiMon; equtpprd. We-a piscp. 4l. 1 t-rfect cow sain riace, wett r-AH -TTr -ITU T-T.

Jr7. -fr nt.ecT. wvjl pfrtT A bars la FOR SALF F.arlr VrrA tmirire. vm tire, lot tr. at be ream.

Buyle 47.9. ai rumminaa vr. ft LDP mor biiwnerr'itfii'W Must eoirl at enc. 400 or -nt offer riVe (t 111 F. Pico.

Private ownwr, Ea) ne ti passenger tnuriniT Onrer gooe FsiL Weatern Ave. Garage, 15 Wevtern ae yH HArjri Victoria top. gtoJ crl Ure, 30(), teiiaia. or evenlne. mal7 4W Its-vi c.tvtl.

nlc. rsKevsi-s-iis J. PRtNKLrt'loiiilng cat I nuienaer fT. ciiPBt Must Mil at oaw. Call I.STK lols lu.T.-kTrsnTtSIcnsWtl condition.

E-o nit.Ur. Must id! by 10 flm n-nvting slower 1AV)A S.ttV K.4. a r. wi ai -o- that nil th' csr ca.ll oi-ner Main. 1 Ht.rpin.-a notes IT ntatrtnaftsoa cic.ll.nt conrllfTonT It's a dsndy.

isll bttween and 11 JJ5 H'osdtt touring. tire arrl rtetlnt. Tont liipcner. ba.g.ln, PIT Botilwav Msin 1-10 tourtngrr'5-vspngir. Car kt pin only 310 -nile.

aooi yrau. Pat r.Sttn. ARilovi', 4 ttinuf coft )'" BAcRfKlt tTlf'19 RuKBtuuiuia naw u-u- l- TO LET Beautiful fuml-hcd" bunt.ilow." ijv inonia. every coneuienca. Avar park M'h jL imishM, half douMt bungalow, 4 room.

dulu, (50 month. CalisM oflct, I. I f5 TCI Pl.ton-. nl Btn.

Apply 5029 S. Tan Ness ave. TO LFFV4rnTshd house; also -rtr. Bid Nn-mtndi. Kii7OT.

TO YtT.RCo!te.w.vr-- ldi20 TOUT -Bright "8-rof-n oottagei kith, in. B. BlirUOKtOB. TO LKT HOUSES Unfurn. TO LET rNTUBWHED.

auuvas B''N r.ALfrw FLATS. APARTMENTS ANTTVHERE ANT HZANT PRICS. City SuHnrbs Beadiaa COMBI.NKD LIST OP 175 LEADING ACENT'. ntlE Cit Man. Onide Rooks and Jteliahli neural inronnation Kre.

Merohers A. Kealtj Bard. BARKER 79a- a RrniHiMT Pico 1S49 Mad. floor. Automatic W47t, erric.tly modem, furnaca.

Eant $125 month. -oo piannacun riace. OSfl Merchantt Nat. Rink rllrla pi-o IW, TO 5-room Cm. fu.nsc.

tmth und Hutifnl nrden orerlookinu on, nartljr furniahe1. 2" itoantsin Viw Orn prk Hlt. tust west CUy. T-F Yo 4 rooms each. $22 inrl Watte and local car to one block weat aid one mock amuh to paiomrea are.

liou mo- marea ae, TO Lp7f-i-Vw fl-room "colonial: TsreaMSBt rnok, all hardwood floor, gnra. ftrment drive, one year'a leaB. to reMoriaibie adulta. Agnt. 4fHl TO XFT-'-roorn b'irurnlow 'with 'sluvning otoee in.

Cimnt home, montn. Will lea ae adult only. Oiru. 4125 Central ave TO LFt'lffiiriTihM. freutifMl fliroom em-1 ney nouse wi'h a garagn.

tie vacant August 1 10. iruj ni. wrtf rn. ner diouo. r.

i TO IK1T--R rooms. 2 bed room 1. tBodern. rent 3893 S. Weatern.

Pico 3tC3 or TO LKl hhkIitt. hiriealovT rnum-n, Tamnle rar to OepidnraI. bgroomw at. Santa, Monica. TO iCff Vt'dern new fPbom ntinwlow, nf.

I -T5. 447 24th 8a nt Monica. TO T.rT RtriTiflM Barb fWn ITmnf comnletelv furni'hsd. hfautlfnt home at four bedroomn, Ian1 lifi'ig-room, dining rfon, two hatha, lartre garage vith one wU furnibed bedroom. Immediate noasewioa for two weeks loreer.

Applv 1512 tran4 Ber-rnota. or 1SQ1 Orantit- Lqi Ai-geiga. TO UT-Nw aerfn-room fif. balance of Atu-mt. S1A0 Nw nve-rnnm 'urnwhed frt, balance of Anouyt.

SlfWJ. All bds put tn One new flve-rOnm (lit, 850 rtr month, yearly. Call owpcj. Plat Wrre Court, Venire, SIJT.71-. AngelfB nrnn hgiirrnW: "6 LET-Oreari Pa rlcT one nim.lh.

mnrlem 5 rooms, accorumodate 2 fajniliea. To riht rveonle cheap or 2-tooto art. Knockera need nft anply. No. UUA Grand a)iT.

Tt if.r--z-room ananment, vacart mmtav. 1 Two Rdutt onlv; 10 per week. Sl5 North! ave Bedmd. Cal. i TO LET Cat alma.

wir. Bt -noTith in the rear, ti1 0 room -bungalow furnished of; Mlncellaneoua. 1 FOR 8ALK Drane eron en elvnit A aerea. i 4 yarietiea, Hollywood foothills. Good crop.

Sacrifice for cash. P. R. Lontrlev. 679448, (43S3 Hollywood Blvd.

More and Shop. FOR MP0B8L, 1400 rr. WRLL I10HTED. AVAJLT.tB BKIT. tT.

IN STTMON APPLY J. H- vipoma- POT finw ftrUCAftfi w'ilt" lease' VfTlWwelrt more to aa opticun. Hprennia location tn. 1077 N. Weateni ave.

697973. T0 LET In buaineaa diat on W. e-enth jat-i a Btore with proa, dre-a bun new hu rent for mniif.ery der. Addixs C. jtt 419, Ylmw Branch.

5" go(1ft" ocatioiaTlf 5i. Mfl'Qwe itro. phor-e Main 0g'- BOOMS. OPEN SEPT. jST.

DOC0LA8 BLDO. Offices and Desk Apace. TO LET -Deji rnble ground floor office pace and desk apace, in the Time Bnch nmrm and Inf.rmtitiAB Bureau, at Alfl 9. Spring? at, Anplv on premise. Mlt BURGER 6 LET t'ght centrailyTocareaTftfttDg irtudio.

l-'VM) xq. v. hole or part Add reel po.JC"'j,T niea Branch. 1 "TO LfcTT vYelTlfgbu'd roof apace, auitab.a for photographer, architect, ale. Call 200 Vn Fcm ardo Rlig-.

ligbi. Beaeonabie rent. Bldg. In dua trial and Bualne Property EOB LEASE-WAREHOUSE 70.000 SO FT. Trecknge for aeveral car.

Promineut location in close-n wholaaal; district. constructed; excellent light. i Immediate posaefsion. See MAX ELSNER. with I J.

W. LEW IR CO. 51S feeurity BMg. I iOK LEASJL rieiir an ana Aiameaa st recta. 8Q.

FT. ON TRACK-Brisk wareUoua with basem*nt. Car-floor lei el. Loading platform. Office.

See Max Eisner, with J. W. $1 Senility Bldg. 18841. TO LKT Two" floora suitable for storage or light manufacturing elevator.

227 Jnd Btrttt. Farmlnt and Ranch Iand. TO LET -wanted, tenant for flO-arre ran(4t fn San Fernando Valley. oO acres cleared, HO uni'ieareo, v-room uouse, goon tam awl corrals. Laud suitable for tm-k farming, grape, alfalfa or dairy.

Small lea. Caeh or shara Brn. 207 Black Bldg-. 4th and UiU. Phone HKMTIRE HOrSEHOMJ For Bale and Gxehange.

KObWNilU WTI BETTKB BABOAINS. SATURDAY'S BIO CUT PRICES. 830 5fi Bandeoir Ivory dreera, $28.75. vt-AIt oak library Ubl'a, $24.50. $40.00 Hesw bed, aprlng and attri, $20 60.

Other bargains fog quick clearance. deliver today. ou tnoney. SAM B. LfcVY, UT PHWK8, 3241 I.

BJLI bTBKJ.T. TWIaTF: If, you want some high -class furniture and rug at right prices look thene over before you buy Abolutly not a scratch end hardly used. I aold party an out-of-town hotel and has left the goods at fay lesfalene to cm BUM). Lovely tun parlor sH, dining-room aet, rug, beautiful old ivory bedroom suite, and Other articles. Call at 817 Weat U-Jrd st.

1 tzt. i mi rxker. iso oUwr furniture, rvivs't b-iiiw. 4'U. miU Lul Btbrga(t.

'I iaa.l 1' I Oil Tlior rlectric vrashlna: ma. efain. ti-uellG tvrjrllrina. W1U a.11 rneap for cash, nr can arraiuye term if dirw. Tall a.

UTT yv. lerrerimn av. KdR burtans, slitrtln tvtls. nnx and mat- 1, eic.

ei? r.ngiueer, an nimr tir w.m.1 b-iroom let, uavd 1'HH -'ii Purer. P' Wh sf, Brand nd WAHHOr. rvo ntiirti.n. Vs.rilngtoii car. ron astK Urn ho" 4 fumlttira and ma.

HirTitl used, pieea all. Br. sin. irth reina. Briri HHI.

"TnlTT.tL'Ei lilei-e inilTmfiriy Ilslril- Mt, 4-lc mission set, 4 dming-rom chairs. I roll-tap desk. Laliforai Halur, U'M i. Main. "Tvjjt 9Alar-To BsI2 OilentsI harid-roniie mi tn fxteiirrit crndirion, wmi saennoe tor quici sai.

nv w. atus sv tsnoq av. T-OR sltix afshotrany diolnff roiim set'. "tvT Lrtch taltl. erMtlit i-iasua, t.irrt.

Mtoviri pi'lnunnt at Sol Virwtl av. Phou 'aUr': i WiHott ruaa. ta range, all good a nw Bfl 1 sfeuu UuQlt-a Blvd. tduat be uut ly Momlay, "loifi 4.f Jrt $1 to 94 a ant, ng or call at a-f-tS 1 lib at. Nu JailX-a'dilHiuf mjrf, aWl(KT4; lu a painting by Writ.

Keiib. Will aaoilftc. ran aeeu a jj? laankmluin Htwl, un ajie-r. '-i'iiiM, iiiuii-k. living, 'ifli' room nti iarlor iiit-iMr Kif- a ij 1 'a'l'tl'lrt 9.

Main. ICR i't9niMi n. Oil a. U4 "roll ATX- AntfTi aora Ttigfu-J Beavy Bwajiauy rocker ui red tn I4atb. aWjTAxiawjc av, gVUiaa hand.

AI WoMworkin? Co. mi a San Julian at. Proartway top fcfc WK BFNT COTS. PADS. BFTW.

TtTC- V'. PTro TT'it KAl.E Entire stock of new and if -nn-1-band fi.rait'.re. utOTi. orgnn and eodar cheat. Mitat be mmnflled tn raca'v premfnea.

Anthony Lin'iorlsh, il? ''fh at dwwifetl hH-xom au.e. bi1. ntpfi pton matirpsr. aresT, trinle-iuiTTor f'retinff tal. bp'h.

N'v AH HO" 8. Vrnnont ve von tIKJ.T. TM'une aet. ea rarge, ayivie mRpl-ine rmma raoie. iron, nirrjn arn, phirVn.

et. All at a lvw tr1c. Tome earlr. 4h n. rraont 1844.

FOR PAtKl Bniwln, 1 inriB parnt, v'wks. few pbiclrn. After 2 p.m. Sati'rday. 409 W.

Bonnie Brae; FOR TLF TjCt ti vriiir old fur-ni1 nre jke new, thaa'a our bualneae. Jap- nell Mvera wmRPJi. TOR" SALE o- auction aales rt tumi- tnre nee tli? advert! -emtrnti ot auc-Ifo" in 1. tortav'w Tirnm FOR KtljF old FVencb gray bediM.m wjite. J75 101? Raymond iy: u' F'OR SAMS 1 "irrv and 2 Ws; ompltte.

aud one table, all in fjood cocdi- F7VR MJE-tM. nw American tole. 8M w. 4191 onve. lane 0T.m.

FOR LE -Tr-'on wooden electric wash-ine machins. irood ronditioo. wetleot motor. tnx 141 4 RTi.llfine ave FOR Fvroiture ef 7-room hoiiaei all fn (--TKiMton, aleepini porch, rent 13-jnak rnrniture 4-rooranai- Ottarajtreet. TOR cut giaai and fl72 Cnronado nt W1 "50-fncbnak dlMn-" table, rhjrvfl.

cM-ia cai'Ifet. fitrtaina, 7f474. FOtTA T. Np OAK SIDEBOARD. 1802 rO' RTH AVE.

"TOR SALE Baim in furniture, ruga ay? f-m pf-f p- Main at, FOR BALE ivory $7573-, ryr tP' eiff, ItPS. SHooVfT One d'ng-Krom set anone hVfoef Nn deolem. 1044 W. 5h ht. FtRMirBK w- HOrSEHOLO cry detwripfln.

buy ainale pie'- or tn-t(re hcp. SSI to 1 p'ere or 5ft VY OBADK. F1NFT JTT.T.TTY OR TT1F, HFAPFPT. I EVFRYTI1TNO. frnm kitchen ntevt(t to talking nwhine or o'ano, Pir caH.

poaaeion at your ronvn-ieoc. if you have a few piece or the eon-wit of a home, ran m. daf or n'ebt. too good or chean for ni to hand'. Too in be pTeiaed my method of doing h'nn, 50141.

wan'tfTS H'RMti're! we are areMtv mi nea or wnat tow to 11 in the Hoe. A quick aale and imull nmrV is our motto, whfrh enable ua to iav the hiehef't asli price for whatever yi xifh to diarose of. We wilt also sell at auction fow 00 comm1s1on. W. TVWTGHT HAMMOND.



FURNTTT'RF, RAT'tr pt'avTHT' vretr Ai, MFNT8. OFrTCK FURNITURE. In larare or fp'ii ouantttlew. for spf'T CATr. We nay HIGFIFST MARKET PRICE.

Paranja attention a-d cmirteniH tratment MORTGAGER Fbnne riirtJ.4. party, no complete furnishing cmiidff eenarntely. niano, Victi-ola, tvin-rftom Ytimma. limine see uertvnom furnl tore, ess raure. refri-rtatnr.

etc, Phwe Mr. Rosa, Vermont 7018, If not in leave anre A NTFl) neehe" furnish nig for 10-room a'liTtment-henae; arv grade: will buy a comnlete hrme or single piecee. flood mvn, bedroon. d'oing-rcora and liting-room furni-iire. cnt glaas.

chin and utensii. Please rail aa soon a oosible. gfi04g4. A NTT TV FT VT TtrP NTF 1 All kiorfa of i.ed furniture from alnele pieces entire titroinhinos of a hooie, need the grroda: we rr stwl cash and will pay mere than anv private ry n-irtimi-er; po deal ton- large or small. Call Kilnn.

B77, Tf T. I rooms m3uiV me'fnr'J nlt'ire, rith or wltnut linen and ntenft. Mvt have Th'a wertr Not to xceed over tlOO. Will pv rash Prirnte party. dea'ert.

Citv or suburban- CH or write Mra. Rrnoklvn av. WXS'TFrrwFcr wsh. all the bomehoM and offce furniture and funjinbing we can 5r-t- Kind or quantity, rmm rr. www RiTbest nri'-ee nad.

Get onr nffr hefre you ell. Colgan'a Co. 731 8- Main. Phone Main vV'aN TED would like to purchaae-the rnmiture and urmsnnpv ot a amiil cninieTe home In mnditn: would lik pre- eait! wtnin 'i weeaa. it you nave a noma 0' this pleane phon Wilshire cn.TQ y.v.4 a foe Mr Bartie.

WA'NtS-PTi At fiimTaTui; of a home and wouM buy niefe. gnch as rood rue, drcr, bfdi, dining seta. a'o mnr gti rnnire, M'tfht bny n'no nr Vlrtrola. W-fi niv LL rKvn eefh ijeo dealer. WANTFfi Cot r.

F. tiftinneer. 10-lt ft PnrHngton are. P'ione 21140. Fun 1 ned anv amount, laree or small: hnr-fv inpreitrvntrtt at- ten nric and a pqtiar deal from vtart to flnib.

CU in-ri4 nisht or dav. etoent Sunday. WANTKP- FcuMhoM fi'mitnee. or nvmn will Vmv comnlete and nav all CA1 or will V-iiv eT-itr'e 1 iff Bum. gne rarcre.

oiphes ciTtiin if rpytMnt swu way hve: fivid Call any t'me Mr. Rader. 420. i WANTFfi Today, furniture, trig, bed. drers.

chiffoniers, rocker, chair. reMger. tor. ranze. diies and eookir-e ware: anv; inount, oreni-gh to furnish a 20-i-ootu anart1 wearer er you nave so sen pnon 21mj eveuine 21 RO.

wantfo do "OT niri Tom ttrvt- TURE AWAY PFONE ME AND WH.L PAY YOU THE PRICE YOU ASK FOR IT. IVET 1 A TKD VIM bnv yr-nr furnit7ireapd iiay price from 1 to 10,000 Kronnick mirnnnrp rorc. nin. tood nco jnoney to yon. i AVTTlfi- -Fro nrlvite riertv' furwHo nd rug fr aetenl w-11 hue edd niece or eomuletaly furtiiihei bome and ry vmi more rail howt.

nir'i I if i WANTFT FT'RVTTCRK- X)V HKKKTA TEL. P1(V 4W. I ftftftSSII 2nd han-l diM ijht oai deak. Mut he In good condition, 1 1 ill ra-le' mvy) piano frVTtirnT- tirre or will pay caah for your furniture. vo-t'h rP2 WANTED 'An It nee(! of vfrrne furn'tnre, w.

ga raniref. tr, Prirate only. Bdwy. "fPBefoie ycu aelf1 "your" furnltirre inn ntga, you want toatr mil value. Phone rSimft rutt' for my new 7-room bmiantcw.

Will pay all caah. Phone Mr 0rrv. Weat RT12, WANT r-uirarman" Jgiirea pefir ePtne fi-'-nitvre, botTti or hntel Main 11 SO WXtt need i-ilT-ire for "if I'O'i-c. nre no deab-r, P'-onf. i.V is.

-r- i i 1 1 uy 1'irniiu-p uriva.e 1." WASTKfl By prirsu parts-, fiim'tiir. rugs, end lltipn cs.h Vermont Ml 'MCA 1NS.K1. MKXT8. For ale. Fvchang.

Ktr. FOR PALE i12S Tl-trola machine with 11)1 recorns ror boo.w. ooihuu, or nw w. 8th city. TflBT llAi.EBaauttf'itr mahogany nndglit niano.

Very ruaonabl for cash, 14.1v S. HOih "rtiff BALE- Niexl ca.h, sscriflc dainty lit-tin ujinglu piano, .160. Evaua, 783 i. Grand av. FOlT new niali.

eanv pho- nreraf'b. nlav all recnia. tvn 't win aril cnenPj mi an wrei. iwji yno Vree hived rcord eacnanee. rii-to to rrit Brook, Pih ii-twn H'" nd Bdwy.

i frVT1 tr.t Ia mo. Bfcvr AiiowKp ritCI-FT landn' rake mah. phono" rvaitb. cat met n'lle HT 50 c-h nr term. i Plit Mi'-lc ro.ajiSI if, Bdwy.

ffcrTiTtM buv tbei-i fur cnaii. we them't lernt. HaiL.t M'l-lc Co iil 4. Udvy. if.V7.

MlTH.I-Heaiirf'iirniaUy vteinwav, ed. Nurirl'. or rent reasonable, l-'n', t' dav rtr ve. till ft nitiivttttott rtjto. FOR" rtAT.E IA17o.BanetM7 j.

it tn-cnsnrcsiiy. o.srhsu a raw month. hnwi d.monstrat.. r.n ft-, sir- o. -Jr.

fr xrcr. block in back'of a P. Pico 'tyllsh cr. lie I.ux. top.

new, S.r,' "'WS tn-. iWhi.hnLliTLroS t. I-mtRt'Own ne in tb city. Estinulg freely bested boOer; two "niierit Suburban work ohcitd. one Trov one ST.

and Pico 1 reconstruction oi BUDurnan wora souciveo-. ci'BiNO ST. and Pico H'tmean on- roo-n: on wanner: on ri sa, motor: lot of pullers, beltivjc. 'V 5 i -sWVwTOWifc't ar-'peer 'A Te-M 7 n.T,cV,nRdAS!n,ttt HO0 lbs. Mr BSSOf).

For further FOR-SAIJl ffelbw IT c- tenna VVM '18 DOrGE TOfRTNO, danrly term. 8 MUL'KL mechanically A-l, gcod rubtcr, grtml terrog, Pricea rsbtL WHITNEY FLVNIiltXV. 19.4 Ms in nf. 1020 Ij-ach inert. 2i00 miles.

1920 Hudson fPeedMer, brand bw. Ull" Tviin Six Packard U-2S. 101! Hudson irosad.ter. 1010 Hinleon touring. 1017 Hudw-n touring.

lUia Hurm.lhHe stilsa. JOHN BALK. 01! Ollv It. 62874. Agency, Hollywood.

MT Cadillac Suburban. Renewed 17 Cadillac Town Car. R7 rartiiiao 7-iaa, Renewed. fiirtfJO .5 fadil'ac Thaeton, wire 7 cantllao 7-jaa, Renewed iiirtfJO 7 radlllac hatotta wira nhuli Zittm 48 lemis. will Trade "7-' Hojlvwood Bird: CW tLACS.

pADltLAL-r CADltLAC. tamuao vii-tona (Ilk rw 1019 Cs.diHeo Phaeton. Ail dolled an. tlr Cadlllso Priced rry low. 10.0 -Hudson sradster, rtsvr Ven run.

1020 Pnige Olenhrook, nver been run, in r.dOl.c Nlrk-I and B'ttaor. yotor Co, 'Solindr ThorOtla-hlv go. cylinder. t' auu. wisn -1.

I "r- 1017 and 114 modeii, tott on of th. chesp car. whjl th last Dealer! ana tral- HCTNIB AtlTO SU.E Authori'd Fond Agent. 101 St. Main at ion FORn rosiister.

1017 FooiTtrTng" P4 na Br I IIBJl Ujt rena Broi 13o? Hon. snap VnR AN M-MFNAMT 14MB si.i. f.S Buick. '17 mult, Col 20. "uuw roras, in riiuuenster.

oti-ers. com earl DOWN, bal. easy. Ouaranta-d 3 mos Pord of ll models, with etsrter. ooum Main FOR ir auction sales of biles nee th dljplsy stivrnisetnont of tious in a rt, 1 lodav's 10 of tb'tui tendy to go, Slot) down, b' ssv Tb- 1'rteraon 1224 Main st mis cSins Ht'lHON' mcoJiriirji.

series FM.y terms. SmtUi 4171 11, Hii'-liionrVood for caah liWO Weatern. Tnurlna Care for Bale. PlERrF-ARIlnw It IS. new cord tires alt chmnmv, Iwth In wnnderful o'lfinal eondi-i Ad w.

II conk, ions south oil, atrapt. Mil STEPtlES's" Sslient In wondeiful inpclisnlcal condition Willi special ton and unhoutprtng. new tir, will satisfy th most discriminating bnvrr, 814): terniS. tt, n-tw. Slirlnll-AwiirilH lenrt.

trie starter and elpctrl'srlr equlpo. thrwigh- out: lit good top: look lik. new. Am offering tin for I4M. iO.

l.e MII4. Iff ft WICK I'l C7 7Nt I. fj. at i i'w? a bargain. Call twt; w.

mw, LZjrr. ltrA'ij w.D-'rn Iteei vnive viii.ii ovcrsire stems, I.OS.T.ona' h.i. fur all motor, by woild'a largcat valv. a typwritr. I-'S.

Phon oltw. iBlr, lo cast Iron vlvs and wesr nhoe Olendsle 130-R after fl p.m. anka In flrtt-clan condition. 64931. 8430 Santa Av.

"VoR SALE Machinery "of every deaerHrMon houcl*t. sold and rented. Buttress A Mc- Clellsn. 205 N. los Angrli, tt.

FOR SALf.Vtf.p. wafer tui-e VHer. 1S6 Ihs. steam presstire. Ruttrass A Mcdellan, -1.

-r sr. Hflt-y. noun. Vac' ges-ed enclnf ivtbe with Kin.8- i 't only.

4 new tir A. in A-l VoBdilfonT 700. under in m.rkt C.U BliWl or addre. guaranreeq niontot. biu and 41(10 down -jr.

or It mooth. rnu wiirrl-hUMa: rli.val Unlata. A good Buy mi C1KRS Mid. 2234 Dayton av. "FOrrTrtLE-l Ansfln lyirie-trlrendTn machine and on hnrse-rtower FHirbanks n- cme.

chcart. Call st 114 s. rrsnd ting and omamentsl Iron work. Csi. Iron A r- Bti.

s.niai mn ar, FYlSrWK Irrigating Tir how." JMrln. Cotton, rubher-linen. fliesp. vdat)opal rir Supnlv 424 E.Ttltrdlt VoRSALE -For auction "sales see the di? ntsv aoyprtisem*nrs in t'srt I. toonvs Time.

MACHIXKRY All Kinds. Wanted too Mwtnf Machine. FOR SALE0n S.nger drophesd, KO. oM Sinter for Tib W. 8th at FOR SALE Hmler drov-pcaj in gotd con.

ditlon Onlv 2f4. 71! Math (t. Clothing, Fun. Etc. FOll (-ALE ghe.t giad men's and young men's misfit clothing, uncslled fur tailored moat responabl price 71-W.

8rd at. Oiwn gteuiugs uti sunrtaji. Closed Saturday. rTrglATrtrT. inrl usorl boui rd old: remodeling at lowest rfrlree.

I Fur Shop. 708 S. El 11. Bdwy. 8025.

n1TiAtr'r and u.rrl hongTf ttear FOR SALE Several nana Iidv and alippar. At 7-A and 8-AAA. Wll. 4a. Lumber and Bullillnt MaterlaK mi si T.a-N'otlr to concret enntrae- Atlantis sLr near Tth and Santa fe.

gfewelrv. Plain on d. Watehe, FOR HAT DIAMOND. Bwiittifiil full T-rrtirat nrt.F riiimonfi. mounted in ring.

Sacrifice cash uric fur ltliat aaJe, call Owner, 802 EqulUbia Bac Bldg. 1 Paik. hock, apeedovneter. other extra. Caah or JL LlJIii win Si Z1ZLSb tjiti a wiiktn- men, ivpt will eeit crtj wry easj tLF 25 early ancf I tei-ma rar awl ttft Th at.

Ttl71'. Hurry, fom take lU" rnn; Too wm-h, 1314 Mnld n. ttpeclal toPr .1. Call i.rry. Holly rpi.Vf?JT&3 w7tgS deflect-pT Lis TWrn YrtTlV 740 Man' ae APi KVKRY CAR lUfHrHCTROLfymoflel l-ffp.

1. peai. Hv'iiiV 1 THF RKTrnrnv H'HP. e. Mg.

fully equipped. Rne merhantrai condi- i ni J. ilaTei WANTFO-rh rain for all afnrfa rrm'm7' JJ wna nlonent. lan tnrneg an4 pumm. Pbone I hhil cbTf; oe write am.

iuyer call. F-tore aelling "nthem OaJ. Bnor U. tora. 75 topa Iron rode 1-4 to 1-3 gninfou.

ertJ. 0 Ktephena, 1Cf) JW1er W4H4. LF Branil'new WnfgnTMTomolitle rHiirtloo. Muat be Phon owner, 5.w. J01tlTX 4 iinger.

Qrearnrga In. Mu.t aetl. oivnr leaviog Many etra.v, exceUent noct i i onwf 1 1 7fl. Fvi tjo ryl ve. "PAW.

Vain tounnni-0 uiurj-l "a br- rain, ftored varage. 210 W. 7tU. M38ft. Call ream.

Phnti oolllii PflS "aLl; Slarna khlatitrA uasssriBv'r" eyiihder. la model, all Mr. after 742: hefor. 8 p.m. at WIS aU sr.

t' FoSAi-E IPlD touring car. like new. RI Arnia oring st. SALE lo.K Librrty g. lilt new, n.

ni i.iini-uiiiy my iuit Rtudbasr to It oiecbanlcaUy ia ry wry l-IBii EWrd t. 22iWf. "(Oil (U'DiNsupr airtoTirliig: i now n. ol I. no top; s't-vt.

otinp; uutof'i Tuir FfMeia A 24 01. -aT 1IS-JI1 111 IIBOil It m-nl lt -oat I i a a 11. I it. ALK! airnirVrnT'Tl. ol crst' wiutinrl gy, Bdw.

lVkl lund. in fancy plaU.tum ellin? 1 A'ttliori7d Ford Agents, iV. -FOB "ALE -HskUnd In Al Shan-, lull, Jill Mil peat ucrUlce. R. W.UrJ, good ch-an J50O, CU N.c" 3 in.

w. WFYENVTM RYFA touring car, rord tire. I i Ti 'tT'rvwd tourin" VaViTTyTriaTin rl-h carboy V.ry (on tswdlUo. Lioaosl.V 1 'sblTMl "i Br, JUl. N.

broa.1 tsay I m-ic ij new. runner sll around, lash of t.rina. laalrchaiilcti con-Kti, original paint, gcod v.f. (all betweett 0 and (I p.m. 1j g.irra, Motoneer.

11 for 7iU Hfi-lintfr-u place. te thai foat, fal! Main tiT'W. MKc rr'hif lTna. 1 KiiTO; 117 Maxuell tt7uHiitf, rhaimt-n' toring; medial rnatotn-lwiilt u. call at Klcliang.

lepl I nion omit a Truii. tot Abgeie, ru a Broadway. Billiard Table and 8ALF Combination billiard and ncol -altle, st Ivar balil. also cues and ball. 1 set, standard ffttod condition.

A tiar-sn. fall lOHS after 6 or before 9 a.m. XT -M i wv-l Inncous, VAVTrilR0OKS IKll'OBT lliahaa. I i.ti'aal to- hl.lorT cncyclopsd'ss, mediial. law.

sets of uaaaa ..1,1 l.a.t. tion. noiroes nook H.M B. train sr. ll'lioti Mam lloOg; Broadway leW.

8'4. 'Rest Price Pldt rlolmet." BIM.I.E VOI4, OH KNTIKK B'ir will tall, city or aiibiirht. Out-of-town ct-rre-i-ondeoce iaviteti. Fowner Boyk Store, P42 'prtng at, phore (tUlK, ritn O-oVnFr i Or TMK TiMM TUKPHOSK PWrTrTI-riOARD TlCLrlMIMMNl, rifn AD" rRtDAY OH Ml LY ATI'RDAY M. IS rl0IN() WH'R ALL CXASRI ij- -i-'iP 4 Vt 1 PttB 100 IW FtR CUW VEWK- rAiTN- it-i-i r.nti- nn.r- i nt-eaBnlrilK '4-1." lolVino trTRT atarteg top .1 good tlrev Thi i a bargain, guvi run nerrstt.

going ay. aiiaSt lsv cs-lt or tptio. tt24 VttPith ifrwnpr. fittO CIsons is, IIRAND'S'fW'Tll gEEObTTar 'fR?" ttrand TS-TIKMrtTWa-'C er. run Itnaiedii'e dlivprv.

Easy larua Olive at I Everett Iililp. 1320 Main. TI'R Aft-10 TVdie louring, or wijli 1IJ FORD toiinpg.deui wheals, avtri t-sd for light truck, r.nt and Craulurri.lwhepi Ure, light. bii New pant. iiwn ingittTio, qu.

1 1 r. iom neur Matn, vour traTOF svotty riai-e, ioi a. t. llf AN'TFIV-fiaTT i "itomaMe oTWevrnoiifri lath or wood tttrnlnn, qimt nri nd atate where ran be wm, I'aper Mar tie Art Kliop. Phone Smith MISl KLLAIVKUIK-Kor hale.

FOR PAT.F CAST" REniSTER. NSTInVSTJ. slltfhtlr ttaed all stvl.s gu.rantd good as new, about Vt TtHn, easy t-rme op tn csit Eie. en nd teal, bill, atcbana. or repair VIs a.C 2.

7 regis-en. CASH REOIATFR PXCHANrTE. Phon Pirn ftorvr. 40! a Anrel-s f. "Tor "AI.f or fnt new tnH 2nd.

uto tent. khW nd whit auto co. ers. yei chesp. American gasoline Kamrt- f*ck Mloy, Gold Medll camp cols, I.

SB. com we them. Sr money, American Furniture 820 ttdwy. BIS, PilR ttALfi-llltf sal of LlecTrTt: flxturr. Ill in.

globe W1tw-. cotnplat. all colors. Indirect light, AO; 14-in wire. II.

Pit ll-n OH, Ullwt, inill. cor. 'n. yve-rprvt vsikisi rami 'h md sn Pedro sts, ruK i-'aTiTo' '-in mU ttiat l.t rtnp Ilk nrw: hakrd nml. fitmie work audi chimney aweemiif.

dn-nliell (mid ove HOBF ri. HIT sTIT-T it KOR A1.1 fif'-nnd hand trunki, ault caaa. ba; the cheeum nryrnx warnror trunaa In the citv. Quattty Logi-aw jthi-o. ai II'H Q'moaito f-tr1 MrVet tnbroldered.

aloo gold einbmi'tcred table carer. Ian be ee At de Waataro av. Lower aoiuh flat ma tine. tiuem iwnniuoo. ut ti rheap for eah.

or can arrange terma If de airwi; I'hMie Weat ttr init. if V'ifiit of at klDtla aiiil v-aUiilt: a gun) wood-hsn-l v.ri.') a Uut that --t I it- ku'. P-fn- Mn. lOH nAT.F Ilrsiilifiil lint TiUT lire ore, and cot worth e-'OO. at a tug rifle.

it on ttlspisy at Waiatm-inn bill tt ltnii4t); Mlje.tti; TlapBli'. "TtiU SAl.r liocaps, tfsls timtit*in, and kmuiI Welt-v Bli-iwca. and Hi aiu-u20 g. Lo AtU.ns si. Main -tl Heii hny tsrilsm l-t-cart.

fruit isrs, nasuiuo; su. Irlt' fan, r.o F.jurta jm "nfott eALfc--lisiuoiio. u-'tt t. K-airy nd oilier pi-ou-ny is-ttiting b'l bsrssitas. CaxiO I gal.

livphjU, 70u ga, UW tkartf ALly Asplialliim root psinta. Vie I. yurk'iart kouaag tv 80.7. I ai nu wanted fr popular priced car'i'j CAfTlnlAf'. nioil.nrnoofi Ilk new.

It ill ll cheap: tmi If desired Or stored 210! VmtTth It. hirt ivLl! rsntrn- "Hiirlstri stiiTlifw" cord tin. Cektw list prti. W. It.

Otitis, Jirj U.ii ni'KK Si ap Ij. I 'i! a-i -rtpo. OAKLAND Hurt 111 "at-1-" H200. 1000 W. Pic.

evtrav. Kne f-oid llfa. wvid detlfeforn. nnni' tnn lyji no wntin; privi Machine at 9. t'arorfleict at.

Itfl'l FflLUM Vt'l'l, 'F-'J ngt'I iheit ef t-are. Bow-h msanato, w'nd deflector. -ii tire Mtwt aelt May, IttfO. Itortd on i iiAMii.i.i, itiiiruig in con- a 1 VTi t' dllloo. Is bur for aiiv-vn wanting a high rral car.

0 Hcphpus, l'Wl Ollt Oft4fl4 OVIIi'LANT). Miifltl, BO. ion. new tiaint. ovetna-ueri ror my an, a Mm an-laO.

toa Mat. -Tal li art 100 FOll nnrttcn 1017 antir ill. Car A I inechsnl lllv ord nr. and new a 010 R'siiic st, B-lvrv, 2074 fni! .1.." AT S.i!l(!o" ti-os nd tsp-ll ton A real Ktn at line. At B--ge.

MiillyOtl Hltd. H- lly I Owfni i I. VBTT i.I.T CJi I I I jflat laa. Tm 1101 g. Mala.

VTSyS ULT HTWyi.v..jmstjT. l1 Tx-Mpft -PCI all -I a.ta.a conn I on. tn.s a. was iintiinit I -ypics. geranium, rt a imisopb, tic.

tvui Appiy in it. (lrtinne TMa aamcv i iitii(v attllflKyry t-fj nj- al alrtiifiii Tnt agency ta latuabla. fe W. I.

Tubb. 7th (. GET IN Ti LM'Mfivi iwi at nT airw to THE TIMIf FRIOAV OR HKLY BATLRDAV' I'tttl i-n tt t'-tj. 1' "-TrTorrrsnar-2 Ilia'Twrls," Ir -tj ctitir linn, and umber: your choice. Roman Auto Co.

Analaltn XM. 120 Lemon, Anaheim, Cal. OR cALh- 'IT finsaj tr, lsl llyrit, sls'ter 2fl ntlWa lo th galk-u. T6" 'ti rrrr "Tf'TRIST- 191! chandler r-vrrl tlrea. i i i p.

tr s1slli Iri' Poids All rhodelirfrorri JtvaoB, tu tw asv isiuis. wstlwr Motor is ioa.1 Alain. 'lii2 OHIMoi.ring. ii.vir liet-n diate tlciivcrv. tush or Utiue Ull Full touring, run SIMl mile, l-rrlcct condmoti l.a.lug l'r- i.a rkot mdsl Cl.siidlsr p.

rJ "t-O. 1011. 7-ptssng-r, (In MTP 101(1 Ra'w Orn1 nm I I'lMw "ilt 1T H'Tl -1711)10. tires CuV.l," ur -1 1 Ot-; 1'th Foil ALrV-IOIfl OaW' noTloui-trig lt. fltt Htllil lis I iiartei't, gllltnTCiTT' Bam" 1 anlenl asgtcl a.

Will i-na lot aouttt- WfvTVfi (i! Ii I'MTKO T4TF AMI sortEKIN WIN! RTRI.E tt. Wm ForlTtHI.K llK Binn PloTifng" Kd ttiid for mcn't anil nrd clotlimg. Con-r, wno netu a ufipiy tor stores rtian of lill.llfss Will sel at i rim nu.K-rn.pi louniig car imy s-te'a teas ciraniiioii, irrsiat for en, tietar M4. Bog SU, Time I condlncn. cnslt.

Ctll Wi. Rnval eoril tlni i ha;t ami t)i iuak, 1020 MvXVtKUt tointug'la psrlvtl lufT llf HUVItOU.T louilaA. rew top aul 'ftesntifnl car. must to fc "rolt tlsiiy ettial half task) and tern loin Mclel rl.r hsl, i litfl cteptwns, Olijr. iV Ict, Mifcvlv4 Owner )0R aLE- 10lg tturJ'luming' car at1 MrR flRFTZfnuM S7 Bi Ii four itturirg.

ti.Ipn Teundir 1 mux yoru.t bhd Am ronsonai-l offrr too astlp tounng car. ThJry.ngi,iy euutie-pt Hon. CpsI I'na. tuu and leather. tsi "'lyin ao-snew d.

4is. A blp BIT I.PO.I1W. Mini lllll ro wt t840 Oraac N. a.

gprini at, rico tat; 02mjo. WA'TMC-." BOOKS BOf OUT. Ch.ic and rare loots a special! son's Rook Bbon. Bill Ph. P32fW).

WTtiiT La i tv p. roi 1-ton desk ij Frpjjii type roii-ton desk "f.iR"fctTX(V r.r.n0; noaaiMe c-ndttiuD, all eienngt a Mrt.wtil tire; in run tvaj St V. a aa.k CW a. Ill f) 141 fcin-tavs g3Wl.Jou.tJl JIH4l to TETPiapi, 2 mu. up.

AJ1 milcao apply aa buy lata-, i-vana, 73 f. Or and ava cpatr. Pttr, ifiTeg. it.

The Los Angeles Times from Los Angeles, California (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.