Together in darkness - Whiteout_creations - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)

The darkness of the Underworld felt heavier than usual as Will Solace stood by the River Styx. Its inky waters swirled with the souls of the dead, their whispers an unending chorus of sorrow. Will tried to steady his breathing, but the weight of the Underworld pressed down on him, amplifying the fear and worry that had driven him here.

"Nico," Will called out, his voice trembling slightly. He scanned the shadows for any sign of his boyfriend. "Nico, where are you?"

A figure emerged from the darkness, the shadows clinging to him like a second skin. Nico di Angelo's dark eyes met Will's, filled with concern. "Will? What are you doing here?"

"I... I needed to find you," Will replied, his voice breaking. He didn't care about the danger, about the Underworld's oppressive atmosphere. All he cared about was Nico. "You've been down here for days, Nico. I was worried."

Nico's expression softened slightly. "I'm fine, Will. You shouldn't have come. It's not safe for you."

Will shook his head, frustration mingling with his fear. "I'm not leaving without you."

Nico stepped closer, his gaze intense. "You don't understand. This place, the darkness... it's where I belong. It's my burden to bear."

"I don't care," Will shot back, tears welling up in his eyes. "I love you, Nico. I can't just stand by and watch you drown in this darkness."

Nico's eyes widened, and for a moment, Will saw a flicker of vulnerability in them. "Will, I... I don't want to hurt you. This darkness, it's a part of me. I don't want it to consume you too."

Will's voice wavered, his fear and love intertwining. "Nico. Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Face the darkness together?"

Nico's hand reached out, cupping Will's cheek gently. "I don't want you to suffer because of me."

Will closed his eyes, leaning into Nico's touch. "And I don't want you to suffer alone. I'm scared, Nico. Scared that one day, I'll lose you to this place. That I won't be enough to pull you back."

Nico's thumb brushed away a tear that had escaped down Will's cheek. "Will, you've always been my light. Even in the darkest times. I don't deserve you, but I need you. More than anything."

Will opened his eyes, meeting Nico's gaze. "Then let me be here for you. Let me help you carry this burden. We can face the darkness together."

For a moment, the shadows seemed to recede, the oppressive weight lifting as Nico looked into Will's eyes. There, he found a reflection of his own fears and hopes, tempered by a love that was fierce and unwavering.

Nico took a deep, shuddering breath. "I don't know if I can do this."

Will smiled through his tears, a gentle, comforting smile that made Nico's heart ache with a bittersweet longing. "You don't have to do it alone. I'm here, Nico. Always."

In the stillness of the Underworld, where the shadows whispered of despair and the River Styx sang its mournful song, two souls found solace in each other. For in the name of love, they discovered a strength that could face even the darkest of fears.

And as they stood together, hands entwined, Nico realized that perhaps, just perhaps, love was the one light that could never be extinguished by the darkness.
The Underworld's grip didn't loosen as Will and Nico stood by the River Styx. Will could feel the cold tendrils of fear and uncertainty trying to take hold of him, but he held on to Nico's hand, finding strength in their connection.

"We should go back," Will said, his voice steadying as he looked into Nico's eyes. "Back to the surface. To camp."

Nico hesitated, his gaze flickering to the shadows around them. "I don't know if I'm ready, Will. The Underworld... it's a part of me. It's where I feel..."

"Safe?" Will asked softly. "Or trapped?"

Nico's eyes darkened. "Both. It's complicated."

Will squeezed Nico's hand, a silent promise of support. "Then let's face that complication together. I don't want you to feel like you have to choose between your heritage and your happiness."

Nico took a deep breath, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "You make it sound so simple."

"It's not," Will admitted. "But nothing worthwhile ever is."

They stood there for a while, the silence filled with the soft murmurs of the River Styx. Will's heart ached as he saw the conflict in Nico's eyes, the constant struggle between the darkness that called to him and the light he longed for.

"I remember the first time I saw you," Will said quietly. "You looked so lost, so alone. I wanted to reach out to you then, but I didn't know how."

Nico looked at him, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "And now?"

"Now I know," Will replied, his voice filled with determination. "I know that love means facing the darkness, even when it's terrifying. It means standing by each other, no matter what."

Nico's expression softened, and he reached up to touch Will's cheek. "You've always been so brave, Will. Even when you're scared."

Will leaned into Nico's touch, his heart swelling with love and pain. "I'm not brave, Nico. I'm just in love with you. And that makes me willing to do anything."

The shadows around them seemed to grow quieter, as if respecting the moment between them. Nico's fingers traced gentle patterns on Will's cheek, a silent affirmation of their bond.

"I don't deserve you," Nico whispered, his voice filled with a mix of awe and sadness.

Will shook his head, tears glistening in his eyes. "You deserve all the love and happiness in the world, Nico. And I'm going to spend the rest of my life proving that to you."

Nico pulled Will into a tight embrace, their bodies fitting together as if they were two halves of a whole. Will could feel Nico's heartbeat, a steady rhythm that grounded him amidst the chaos of his emotions.

"Thank you," Nico murmured against Will's shoulder. "For not giving up on me. For loving me."

Will closed his eyes, holding Nico as if he were the most precious thing in the world. " I love you, Nico. Always."

As they stood together, entwined in each other's arms, the darkness of the Underworld seemed to fade away, replaced by a warmth that came from within them both. In the name of love, they found the courage to face their fears, to embrace their destinies, and to find solace in each other.

And as they began their journey back to the surface, hand in hand, Will knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would make it through together.
The journey back to the surface felt like a long, arduous trek through layers of darkness and memories. Will Solace clung to Nico's hand, each step a testament to their resolve. The weight of the Underworld tried to pull at them, but their love anchored them, guiding them through the shadows.

As they approached the entrance to the Underworld, the dim light from above began to filter in, casting long shadows and revealing the path ahead. Will glanced at Nico, noticing the way the faint light seemed to soften his features, making him look almost ethereal.

"Are you ready?" Will asked gently, squeezing Nico's hand.

Nico took a deep breath, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. "I don't know if I'll ever be ready, but I want to try. For us."

Will smiled, a small, encouraging smile that he hoped conveyed all the love and support he felt. "That's all that matters."

They stepped into the light together, the world above greeting them with a rush of fresh air and the sounds of life. The contrast was stark and overwhelming, and Will could feel the tension in Nico's posture as he adjusted to the change.

"It's so... bright," Nico murmured, shielding his eyes with his free hand.

"It'll take some time to get used to," Will replied, his voice soft and reassuring. "But I'm here with you, every step of the way."

They made their way to Camp Half-Blood, where the familiar sights and sounds brought a sense of comfort to Will. The camp buzzed with activity, demigods training, laughing, and living their lives. It was a stark contrast to the solitude of the Underworld.

As they entered the camp, a few campers glanced their way, some offering nods of acknowledgment, others showing curiosity. Will could feel the weight of their gazes, the unspoken questions hanging in the air. He knew that Nico's return would stir up memories and fears, but he was determined to stand by him.

Chiron approached them, his wise eyes reflecting understanding and concern. "Welcome back, Nico, Will."

Nico nodded, his grip on Will's hand tightening slightly. "Thank you, Chiron. It's good to be back."

Chiron's gaze shifted to Will, a silent question in his eyes. Will met his gaze with determination. "We're going to get through this. Together."

Chiron nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "If anyone can, it's the two of you."

As the day wore on, Will could see the toll that returning to the surface was taking on Nico. The constant interactions, the brightness, and the memories seemed to weigh heavily on him. That night, as they settled into the Hades cabin, Will watched Nico with concern.

Nico sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the floor. "I feel... out of place here. Like I don't belong."

Will sat beside him, wrapping an arm around Nico's shoulders. "You belong, Nico. Here, with me. With us. It might take some time, but you'll find your place again."

Nico leaned into Will's embrace, his body trembling slightly. "What if I can't? What if the darkness never really lets me go?"

Will's heart ached at the vulnerability in Nico's voice. He held Nico tighter, his voice firm but gentle. "Then I'll be your light, Nico. No matter how dark it gets, I'll be here to guide you back."

Nico looked up at him, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and hope. "Promise?"

Will cupped Nico's face in his hands, their foreheads touching. "I promise. I'll always be here for you."

As they held each other, the world outside the Hades cabin seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them. In each other's arms, they found a sanctuary, a place where the darkness couldn't reach.

And as the night wore on, they lay together, hearts beating in sync, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their love would be the guiding light that saw them through.

Together in darkness - Whiteout_creations - Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2024)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.